Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters under the President

02/04/21 11:17

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters under the President

Statistical information was announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President, confirming decrease in the incidence of COVID-19 among pupils and personnel of educational institutions of the republic. Three times fewer carriers of the virus were detected among schoolchildren in January than in December last year, according to Ruslan Mova. 57 out of 191 registered cases are in primary school pupils, 34 in high school schoolchildren, and a hundred infected are in middle school pupils. Decrease by 4,5 times in the level of detection among school staff was noted. The number of registered cases of infection among preschoolers is reduced twice (102 in December, 52 in January) during the last month and five times among kindergarten workers (348 cases at the end of last year, 70 - in the first month of this year).

The further planning of the educational process in the context of the ongoing pandemic was discussed in the course of the meeting. The Minister of Education Alla Nikolyuk raised the topic of the upcoming final certification of schoolchildren of general education institutions. The relevant department considers it expedient to reduce the number of final exams for ninth-graders to two written tests - in the native language and mathematics, which refused two oral tests, which are traditionally chosen by the students themselves (the Russian Federation has taken this way). As for 11-graders, it is proposed for them to minimize the number of unified state exams, and, moreover, to take exams on the territory of each school, and not in single nationwide points, as it was before. The issue is being discussed. The final decision on the format of the final certification of schoolchildren will depend on the epidemiological situation. It must be documented no later than the 1st of April. The President supports reducing the number of examinations.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the provision of healthcare system with medicines, personal protective equipment and other means necessary to fight the coronavirus. According to the Minister of Health, all the items are in abundance. Kristina Albul informed about the replenishment of warehouses with some medicines, and also brought to the attention of the meeting participants that 70 oxygen concentrators and 80000 antigen tests purchased by Interdnestrcom had arrived in the republic.

Another topic raised in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters is the incidence of sickness among prisoners. 104 carriers of coronavirus infection were identified in penitentiary institutions. The disease in all is asymptomatic or in a very mild form. They are isolated on the territory of correctional institutions. In case of deterioration of the patient's condition, it was instructed to transfer to the Slobodzeya hospital. The President emphasized that this category of sick citizens should, like all infected Pridnestrovians, be provided with quality treatment. Sample testing will be conducted in all places of detention. If a COVID-19 carrier is identified, the entire squad will be tested. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that employees of the state service for the execution of punishment should be fully provided with protective equipment.

Members of the Operational Headquarters spoke about the ongoing easing of quarantine restrictions. A request has been made for admission to spectators of sporting events. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station develops recommendations for this case. Among them, there will definitely be a limitation on the number of visitors. The stands of football fans, for example, may not be more than a third full. A complete list of requirements and recommendations will be provided shortly.


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