The President heard the report of the Head of State Administration of Bendery

02/04/21 17:17

The President heard the report of the Head of State Administration of Bendery

The Head of State Administration of Bendery reported to the President on the main results of the State Administration's activities for 2020. The meeting was held via videoconference, attended by representatives of the PMR President's Administration, legislative and executive branches of Government.

Roman Ivanchenko announced the most important indicators of the city's vital activity, summed up the results of the past year, and outlined plans for the future. According to the speaker, 89248 people live in the town. This indicator has not undergone significant changes for several years. As for the demographic situation in general, Roman Ivanchenko plans to devote a separate meeting on this issue.

As part of the report, Roman Ivanchenko focused on the changes in the structure of the State Administration of Bendery - already implemented and planned for the future. It was noted that the administration team has become noticeably younger: the number of employees of retirement age has been reduced. The speaker outlined which departments and for what purpose were reorganized, and said that today the administration is subordinate to 21 enterprises, three of them are in the process of liquidation (the city association of trade, trade and procurement enterprise and "Remontnik"), one – municipal unitary enterprise "Water supply and sewerage management" - does not currently carry out financial and economic activities. Speaking about small business, Roman Ivanchenko outlined decrease in the number of representatives of this sector in 2020, while noting that the decrease was relatively small, taking into consideration the pandemic situation last year. As part of the economic component of the report, Roman Ivanchenko announced the size of the budget revenues: 213,9 million rubles - own income, 23 million - subsidies from the state treasury, 5,8 million - transfers. The city's expenses amounted to 247,5 million rubles, 72,2% of which were spent on financing socially protected items (180,1 million rubles). For comparison: capital investments amounted to 1,6 million, 9,8 million rubles were spent from the local budget for improvement. Seven enterprises increased their output in the manufacturing sector, 13 organizations recorded a production decline.

Roman Ivanchenko recalled the projects implemented during the year and the objects in the process of repair or construction. The beginning of 2020 was marked by the opening of the restored Dolphin swimming pool, the rowing base was reconstructed, the development of the city beach, Pobeda and Gorky parks, House of Culture named after Tkachenko, public gardens "Solnechny", "Shcolny" and "40 years of the Komsomol" and a fountain on its territory. Public transport stops are being put into proper form. The Dniester bed was deepened. Serious investments are connected with greening of Bendery streets. Strongholds of public order are being repaired and equipped. The city universal market is being reconstructed. 

Funds were allocated for nine Bendery educational facilities under the Capital Investment Fund 2020 program: 7,3 million rubles were spent. The construction of a three-entrance high-rise building in Kishinevskaya street is at the final stage (commissioning is scheduled for March) in the housing sector. At least two more residential cooperative houses are planned to be commissioned this year (along the streets of Industrialnaya and Kommunisticheskaya). Orphans were given 18 comfortable apartments in the reporting year. Increased attention has been paid, but is still required, to the roads. An interesting aspect: lighting of roads with transit traffic went to almost 27% of the electricity consumed by street lighting fixtures in 2020. The collector was repaired on a spot. The Head of the city recalled numerous emergencies, due to which sewage was directed into the river, which is unacceptable.

As part of the report, the head recalled the measures taken to improve the quality of nutrition of schoolchildren and preschoolers, mentioned the optimization of the network of sports institutions, talked about the reconstruction and re-equipment of the Bendery medical and diagnostic center.

The plans for this year are to bring two overpasses into proper condition ("Floare" and the one leading through the railway (Kotovsky - Ermakova), improvement of the central part of the city, construction of a children's entertainment complex in Nevsky Park, creation of green recreational zones in the embankment part of the city, further development. It is necessary in the medical sector to complete the global renovation of children's and central hospitals, as well as a project started but not implemented by ANO "Eurasian Integration" - the construction of tuberculosis hospital. In addition, there is an idea to create an IT center in Bendery - a modern educational platform for intellectual development of children and youth, as well as a center for artisans and producers of agricultural goods, which will unite masters of folk and decorative and applied arts, will contribute to the development of the creative industry, the revival of folk traditions, and the growth of interest in local production.

The meeting participants, having listened to the report, addressed Roman Ivanchenko questions related to the renovation of the city's elevator facilities, the development of the homeowner association network, the improvement of parking lots and sidewalks. The President during the discussion instructed to make a sidewalk lane along Pionerskaya Street: there are numerous appeals from citizens about this. Speaking about the repair of the collector, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that dumping waste into the river is unacceptable: an untimely solution of the communal problem threatens an environmental catastrophe, the President emphasized. The President paid special attention to determining the source of financing for the repair of roads, based on their ownership. The President is sure that some of the Bendery roads, classified as municipal ones, are of republican importance, which means they should be maintained and repaired at the state, not the city's expense. As an example: two transport interchanges - overpasses along Kotovskogo street and in the area of ​​the Floare factory. Vadim Krasnoselsky will visit these facilities today during an offsite meeting with the Head of State Administration of Bendery. There are also plans to inspect the central part of the city, squares, a memorial and historical complex. All these are objects included in the Capital Investment Fund 2021.

The work of the Bendery administration at the end of 2020 was recognized by the President as satisfactory.


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