The President highly appreciated the work of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020

01/29/21 14:34

The President highly appreciated the work of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020

The meetings of the collegiums of ministries and departments of the republic, traditional for the beginning of the year, continue. The Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up the results of activities in 2020 today. The extended meeting was held in videoconference format. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the meeting.

The main report was made by the Minister of the PMR Internal Affairs Ruslan Mova. He devoted a significant part of his speech to the activities of the department aimed at combating the pandemic. The work in this direction has become one of the most important tasks the internal affairs bodies are facing in the pandemic 2020. Ruslan Mova, the Head of the Presidential Operational Headquarters for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, called the pandemic a stress test for both Pridnestrovie and the whole world, noting that the republic was preparing to fight the coming threat. Measures that subsequently proved their effectiveness were taken already in January. The speaker recalled all stages of organizing anti-coronavirus activities in Pridnestrovie, supporting the report with digital data. He said, for example, that they received over 388000 applications from citizens (approximately 1300 per day) during the entire existence of the Crisis Centers. The Minister noted that, in addition to performing their direct official duties, the militia officers actively participated in volunteer activities. 76 employees of various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs performed the functions of orderlies in infectious diseases hospitals of the republic. 450 Pridnestrovian militiamen (every tenth) became blood donors last year. Ruslan Mova recalled the creation of branches of COVID hospitals by forces and means of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of two subordinate institutions - the Solnechny Dispensary and the Republican Cadet Corps, as well as participation of militia officers together with doctors in the work of mobile teams formed to test citizens for the presence of coronavirus in the body at home (18000 visits were carried out). The Minister said that approximately 360 people were involved in the fight against the pandemic through the Ministry of Internal Affairs every day.

The speaker talked about other events, in the organization and implementation of which the militia officers were involved during the year. The most ambitious were the Military Parade and the Single Election Day.

As for crime: its level in the reporting period decreased by 4% (3388 crimes were registered). The speaker emphasized this is the lowest figure in 18 years. Ruslan Mova announced the statistical data on the directions, and said that the overall disclosure rate was 91% at the end of the year. A part of speech was devoted to the situation on the roads. According to the Head of the department, 122 accidents were registered during the year, as a result of which people were injured (36 fewer than before). The speaker informed about 44 citizens rescued by the employees of the General Directorate for Emergency Situations during the year. 12 people were rescued on the water, 32 lives were saved as a result of the activities of firefighters.

The Minister focused on measures to improve the efficiency of operational and service activities of the bodies and divisions of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs, departmental programs, infrastructure changes (it was noted that not all objects originally included in the Capital Investment Fund 2020 were repaired due to the pandemic), material and technical equipment. Ruslan Mova drew attention to the fact that the expansion of the Safe City system has not been fully financed: only 388 thousand of the planned 4 million rubles have been allocated. At the same time the Minister is sure that the effectiveness of this system is undeniable, noting that its gradual development has led to planned and, most importantly, noticeable increase in the republican budget revenues.

Attention was paid in the course of the report to the work of non-departmental security, forensic expert activity, and the provision of public services. The speaker focused on the formation of the personnel of the department.

Ruslan Mova, concluding the report, expressed gratitude to the personnel for their responsible attitude to business, high professionalism and the achieved results.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky highly appreciated the work of the Ministry. With the traditional choice from "satisfactory-unsatisfactory", the President considered it correct to give the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR at the end of the extremely difficult 2020 an assessment of "good".

Vadim Krasnoselsky on the basis of the reports and the speeches of those invited that were obligatory for the Collegium meetings focused on some aspects. The President considers that the Safe City system, which has proven its effectiveness, requires development. It is possible to cover the expansion of the network independently, without allocating funds from the state treasury, according to him. Such self-investment will be possible if part of the income from implementation of this project is directed to development. Only half of the funds raised through the Safe City in the form of fines went to the budget earlier - in 2018 and 2019. All penalty fees went to the state treasury in 2020. The President considers it appropriate to return to the practice of splitting. The percentage will be determined.

The President paid special attention to the activities of the fire service, focusing on such a direction as prevention, one of the forms of which is control measures. Vadim Krasnoselsky insists that the fire inspection should not be limited in the number of inspections carried out, especially when it comes to social institutions or objects that are massively visited by citizens.

Commenting on the topic of improving the electronic document management system, the President emphasized that any innovations (and the fact that they are, in principle, necessary, is beyond doubt) should be aimed at optimizing and, most importantly, improving the situation of citizens, no matter what sphere.

The President focused on the issue of interaction between state structures. He instructed to continue the practice of conducting interdepartmental workshops on a systematic basis. The prosecutor's office continues to play a coordinating role. In addition, Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the strengthening of interaction between the territorial militia department and local administrations.

Organization on the basis of the Tiraspol Law Institute of classes to improve the qualifications of employees of the department for combating economic crimes, the state tax inspection and the prosecutor's office (responsible for the economic direction) is another presidential order.

The President spoke about the control over the spending of budgetary funds, the implementation of departmental programs, and special role of the rescue units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Vadim Krasnoselsky paid attention to the merits of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies in countering the spread of coronavirus. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed his gratitude to militiamen and aimed at continuing this activity, taking into account the already accumulated practice. The words of the president's gratitude were addressed to the leadership and employees of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs and for service in general, for dedication and humanity. The President emphasized that citizens are also satisfied with the work of the internal affairs bodies, it is their assessment that Vadim Krasnoselsky considers fundamental.


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