Working discussion of members of the Operational Headquarters

12/03/20 12:36

Working discussion of members of the Operational Headquarters

It was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President that while maintaining the existing activity, the use of rapid tests for coronavirus available will be enough for two weeks. The President instructed to speed up the purchase of the next batch so that the republic would not be left without the possibility of testing. The President asked about the functioning of the new intensive care unit, deployed on the basis of the Tiraspol infectious diseases hospital. The Head physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital informed that the 15-bed unit, provided with fifty oxygen cylinders, accepts severe patients, being a serious help. As for oxygen concentrators, which are needed almost everywhere, the members of the Operational Headquarters had a choice: to buy it promptly, paying more, or to wait for a later delivery at a favorable price. After discussions with the chief doctors, who speak of the urgent need for this type of equipment, Vadim Krasnoselsky ordered to urgently purchase and deliver 20 units to the republic, the rest will be purchased later at a reduced cost. Another instruction of the President - to the government: to allocate funds from the budget of this year for the purchase of scanner for the Dubossary hospital. As for computer tomograph scan for Bendery residents, the equipment has been put into operation.

The meeting participants discussed the draft comprehensive plan for the provision of outpatient care at home to asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 presented by the Head of the Operational Headquarters. They talked about the categories of citizens subject to compulsory hospitalization. “These are citizens whose disease is moderate and severe; patients who have concomitant chronic diseases; persons aged 65 and above, as well as a number of other categories of citizens who require medical care exclusively in medical institutions under the constant supervision of doctors. Hospitalization is also subject to citizens who do not have the opportunity to stay in isolation at their place of residence”, Ruslan Mova said. He informed about the conditions that must be met for home treatment.

It was also about the need to activate and properly organize the volunteer movement, the relevance of which, when the mechanism for treating carriers of coronavirus at home is launched, increases markedly.

Concluding the meeting, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that clear coordination of actions are extremely important now. The President noted the importance of the Operational Headquarters. Its representatives meet both on a systematic basis - twice a week, and as needed. The Operational Headquarters will also meet during the New Year holidays, the President said. In addition, the President instructed the government to declare December 31 a day off for all Pridnestrovians (with a postponement to another day in 2021), shorter working day on and on December 30.

Кроме того, Президент поручил Правительству объявить 31 декабря для всех приднестровцев выходным днём (с переносом на другой день 2021 года), а 30 декабря – коротким днём.


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