Home treatment algorithm for coronavirus infected patients was presented

12/03/20 19:30

Home treatment algorithm for coronavirus infected patients was presented

The department has developed a program that will allow monitoring all patients and doctors` work with them

Tiraspol, December 3. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In the situation center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the principle of organizing home treatment of coronavirus infected patients, the issues of providing them with medicines and essential products were discussed

The initial stage is the diagnosis of coronavirus. Today, the COVID status of a person can be determined using antigen tests in the shortest possible time. If the test result is positive, and if the person is mildly sick or asymptomatic, if the person is not classified as citizen subject to compulsory hospitalization and has the opportunity to isolate himself during the illness, he stays at home and waits for a doctor.

“A decision was made to create joint teams consisting of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees. A therapist and a policeman will be sent to the patient. The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment. Together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs employee, they determine the possibility of obtaining treatment at the place of residence,” the Head of the Operation Headquarters, Minister of Internal Affairs Ruslan Mova said.  

A person can only stay at home for treatment with written consent. At the same time, a patient will be mandatorily warned about administrative and criminal liability for violation of self-isolation regime, the Minister added.

Over the next days, the patient's condition is to be monitored remotely. A doctor or intern (5th or 6th year student of the PSU Faculty of Medicine), who will be in the territorial crisis centers at the Internal Affairs Directorate, will call the patient twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon. All information on the course of the disease will be recorded in the patient's electronic patient history. The software was promptly created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs specialists.

“We have developed an electronic product that will allow monitoring all patients, the doctors` work with them. This is a kind of book where all the necessary information will be record: when doctor visited the patient, what treatment was prescribed, at what time he arrived and left. This system will allow a better approach to the analysis of the actions that we are taking to treat COVID-infected people,” the Head of the Operation Headquarters said.

All the necessary medications indicated for coronavirus treatment will be given to the patient by his general practitioner. Vitamins, food and other essential goods can be delivered to him by relatives, friends, neighbors in compliance with COVID safety rules. Information about them must be brought to a police officer. The information will be verified.

If there are none, the patient can turn to volunteers for help. To do this, you need to call police control room of the regional MIA line or 102. Your call will be accepted and transferred to the rescue unit, which supervises volunteers` work. You can also contact the rescue unit directly. You will find all the contact details on the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs website


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