Artyom Turov: We will do everything possible to preserve historical memory

11/29/20 12:07

Artyom Turov: We will do everything possible to preserve historical memory

Russian State Duma deputies laid flowers at the Moscow Memorial of Glory today

Tiraspol, November 29. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A representative delegation of the State Duma and the Federation Council of Russia arrived in Pridnestrovie the day before. They are Artyom Turov and Sergey Chizhov, who represent the interests of Pridnestrovians in the Russian Parliament.

This morning, Guests from Russia laid flowers at the capital’s Memorial of Glory to the graves of the heroes, who gave their lives defending their motherland in different years, the press service of the PMR Supreme Council reports.

“It seems to me, that every person who grew up on the history of our Motherland, independently in which of the former Soviet republics he lives, should remember and honor our heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Those people thanks to whom our children and our countries exist. Of course, it’s always very important for us, especially in this year of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, to remember the veterans, to meet with them and, of course, to honor the memory of those perished in the liberation of their native land,” Russian State Duma deputy Artyom Turov noted.

The Russian parliamentarian said, that his grandfather fought in the 2nd Ukrainian Front, participated in the Jassy-Kishinev Offencive, was an immediate participant in the events of 1944 and the liberation of the Moldavian SSR.

“For me this is personal, an important event. We must remember this and hand down from generation to generation. Unfortunately, we see, that a number of countries, including former allies of the anti-Hitler coalition, are beginning to erode history, trying to change concepts. We hear, that they are beginning to whitewash war criminals and present them as liberators. In fact, this is all very sorrowful and sad. In Russia, amendments to the Constitution have been adopted to protect historical memory, and the federal law is in force. This memory is sacred for us, and we will do everything possible to preserve it,” the State Duma deputy Artyom Turov emphasized.


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