Stanislav Pavlovsky: The border between Pridnestrovie and Moldova has grown into the deepest chasm

11/05/20 13:59

Stanislav Pavlovsky: The border between Pridnestrovie and Moldova has grown into the deepest chasm

Moldovan legal expert believes that the official Chisinau contributes to the recognition of the PMR through its actions

Tiraspol, November 5. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The situation that occurred in the first round of the Moldovan presidential elections, when residents of Pridnestrovie with Moldovan passports were not allowed to attend polling stations, only strengthens the position of the PMR on its path to recognition. An expert in the field of law Stanislav Pavlovsky expressed this opinion on the air of the NTV Moldova TV Channel. He recalled that Pridnestrovie, like Gagauzia, had in fact been living a life independent from Moldova for a long time.

“There is a whole generation of people who have not lived a single day as part of Moldova, that cannot imagine their lives other than living in Pridnestrovie. What happened in our country when the access for Pridnestrovian voters to the right bank was blocked once again proves that the border that existed between Pridnestrovie and Moldova had grown into a deepest chasm,” he said.

And they not only notice it in Pridnestrovie. Major foreign policy players also receive this signal and may come to the idea of recognizing Pridnestrovie.

“I think that such events contribute to the fact that our Western partners, observing these events, would say: well, guys, we are sorry, but you yourself are doing so that there is no other way out but for Pridnestrovie to be recognized and independent," he added.


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