Decisions of the Operational Headquarters

09/17/20 13:03

Decisions of the Operational Headquarters

Among the issues that were discussed by the members of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus was waitштп time to for the results of tests of the biomaterial of citizens suspected of being infected with COVID-19. Taking into consideration the volume of analyzes coming into operation, the answer from the laboratories sometimes comes in 4-5 days. The laboratory opening in Rybnitsa will speed up the process. In the meantime, only laboratory in the capital is functioning; the President instructed to transfer it to a round-the-clock operation.

The load on the ambulance service is also growing. If we talk about calls to patients with symptoms similar to coronavirus, then, for example, in Tiraspol doctors had four times more house-calls than in the same period last year during 10 days of this September.

Issues related to the safe organization of the educational process in the pandemic do not lose their relevance. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that in many educational institutions teachers continue to be in the premises of educational institutions at the end of the educational process (lessons, pairs, lectures), referring to the need to prepare new material or carry out social work. The President instructed at the level of regulatory legal act to prohibit the presence of teachers in schools, not related to the conduct of lessons. The maximum that is allotted to teachers for closing current issues is an hour after the end of the last lesson in the schedule of the working day of particular teacher.

Another topic of discussion at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters is the situation in which the organizations working in the tourism sector. We are talking about companies organizing holidays for Pridnestrovians abroad. They sent a collective appeal to the President, indicating complexity of the financial and economic situation, bordering on bankruptcy. The entrepreneurs drew the President's attention to the fact that citizens who were limited in their ability to purchase vouchers from Pridnestrovian tour operators buy it in neighboring states. Vadim Krasnoselsky proposed the following solution. Pridnestrovians will be able to freely use the services of local travel agencies and, if they wish, to go on vacation abroad, but at the same time, an insurance mechanism should be provided in case of coronavirus disease. That is, if, upon returning from abroad, a citizen who has passed tests at his own expense turns out to be infected, he (either a travel agency or an insurance company) will have to pay the full cost of stay and treatment in a coronavirus hospital. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers this principle to be fair. According to him, the state, which means every law-abiding and responsible citizen of the PMR, should not cover the cost of treating those who neglected safety. The mechanism will be worked out in detail in the near future. The Ministry of Health was instructed to calculate the cost of one day of a patient's stay in a COVID hospital (taking into account all the costs of maintenance and treatment).

An important issue is the introduction of a system for monitoring citizens' compliance with the requirements of strict self-isolation. Thy Head of the Operations Headquarters Ruslan Mova informed the President about the developments related to the installation of special program in mobile phones. Various options are being discussed, for example, issuing a special reminder at the border to citizens entering the country and instructions to install the appropriate software product within 24 hours. The algorithm is being worked out.

Another topic that is directly related to the issue of crossing the Pridnestrovian state border is the movement of students. Citizens of the neighboring state are educated in 17 educational institutions of the PMR (1052 people). In addition, there are Pridnestrovians who entered the universities of Moldova. Entry and exit from the PMR takes place upon presentation of student card. The relevant departments were instructed to pay special attention to the authenticity and validity of these documents. Citizens registered in settlements temporarily under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Moldova are discussed in the course of the meeting. By decision of the Operational Headquarters, from June 3, they were given the opportunity to freely (without prior approval) cross the Pridnestrovian border. Today, there is a situation where some people use this relaxation of quarantine restrictions as a kind of loophole: they are registered in the corresponding settlements in order to be able to move freely on a systematic basis. In this regard, today it was decided to extend the permitting norm only to persons whose registration in the designated administrative units was completed before June 3 of this year. The rest are required to apply for an entry / exit permit at the territorial crisis centers operating under the Operational Headquarters for prevention and control of the spread of the virus.


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