The mechanism for servicing recreational areas improving was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

09/09/20 16:42

The mechanism for servicing recreational areas improving was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

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Vadim Krasnoselsky, opening working conversation, to which he invited representatives of the Government, legislators and heads of state administrations, noted that creating parks and recreation areas at the site of landfills and wastelands is a difficult task with which we are successfully coping.

The President indicated that the entire recreational sector of the republic can be conditionally divided into two groups of objects. The first includes alleys, playgrounds and sports grounds, parks located in microdistricts of settlements, that is, locations for internal use. The second group is large-scale recreational complexes that are of great importance for the development of tourism. Vadim Krasnoselsky includes the Catherine park complex in the capital, the fortress in Bendery, the Alexander Nevsky park and the park named after Peter Wittgenstein in Kamenka to this category. The President instructed to conduct an audit of all objects attributed to the first group in order to determine the balance holders and organizations (possibly structural units) that will be responsible for the maintenance of public recreation areas. As for these three parks, in the opinion of the President, each of them should become an independent legal entity with a well-thought out staffing table.

Speaking about the Catherine Park, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that this is a huge multifunctional complex, that occupies ​​more than 19 hectares of land. In addition to new locations, it includes de Volan Square and the Memorial of Glory. Work is underway to improve the children's town. The expansion of the park will continue. On behalf of the President, the city beach and embankment will join its array. These are the next stages of the improvement of the center of the capital in a single style. Taking into consideration the area of ​​the park and the variety of sites assembled under its sign, a permanent staff is needed to ensure the operation of the facility. We are talking not only about janitors, gardeners, specialists in the care of fountains and lakes, but also about tour guides, cashiers, and sports employees.

Residents of Bendery are already working in this direction. They have established the State Unitary Enterprise Bendery Fortress. The enterprise united the citadel, the Alexander Nevsky park and the military memorial complex. The President considers that there can be no fragmentation of the balance sheet holders.

The State Administration of Kamenka will also carry out work on creation of legal entity with the provisional name "Wittgenstein Park". Vadim Krasnoselsky paid special attention to the recreational zone located in the north of the republic with a history of creation that deserves special attention. He spoke about historical, modern infrastructural and tourist significance of this object. This year, work is to be completed on creating entrance group to the park and laying pipes through which water will flow from the Dniester to the still dry lakes, for which Wittgenstein Park was once famous. The President also instructed to develop a plan for landscaping the territory right now. The plans for the next year include further improvement and development of the park, as well as the creation of a museum on the site of the miraculously preserved estate of Princess Trubetskaya.

The President spoke today about improvement of recreation areas by the river. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that when choosing the location of city beaches, one must take into account the influence of natural aspects and listen to the local population: it is reasonable to ennoble the territories that citizens have already chosen, the President emphasized.


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