The President considers it wrong to charge visitors to the city stadium in Bendery

09/08/20 17:46

The President considers it wrong to charge visitors to the city stadium in Bendery

The President held a working meeting with the Head of the Bendery administration. The discussion took place in the format of video conference. Vadim Krasnoselsky and Roman Ivanchenko spoke about the current issues of the city's life. Among the topics that required discussion - the situation with the functioning of the city stadium. The President receives appeals and complaints from the residents of Bendery in connection with the need to pay for the use of sports infrastructure. The announcement appeared at the entrance to the stadium and was widely disseminated on social networks. Fees were supposed to be collected starting from September 10 of the current year.

The President considers that sports infrastructure should be freely available to citizens, especially in an environment where society is opposed to the spread of coronavirus. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended to the Head of the city to cancel the decision of the stadium administration to collect fees from visitors wishing to use sports locations.


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