The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters

08/31/20 11:57

The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters

It is not time to open nursery groups of preschool educational institutions and cinemas - this is the opinion of members of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Another solution is to temporarily ban citizens from leaving for rest to Turkey. Pridnestrovians will be able to use the already purchased vouchers, but it is recommended to postpone the purchase of new ones: citizens who have paid for tourist vouchers after August 31 will not be issued a permit to leave the republic. This forced measure is dictated by the growing number of cases of infection of Pridnestrovians who have returned from rest from abroad, in particular from Turkey. The epidemiological situation in the republic as a whole is unfavorable. There is a rapid increase in the number of cases of coronavirus. If two weeks ago 81 cases were registered in seven days, 191 a week later, then 318 cases of infection were recorded over the past week.

According to the information provided by the First Deputy Minister of PMR Internal Affairs Andrei Barabash, 1377 samples were sent for laboratory research since the previous meeting of the Operational Headquarters four days ago. COVID-19 infection was confirmed in 205 cases. 2193 cases of the disease were established among Pridnestrovians totally, during the pandemic. The total number of deceased carriers of the viral infection is 62 people (mortality 2.8%), recovered - 1585 (72%).

The trend of recent days is an increase in morbidity among employees of manufacturing enterprises. Focal point of infection have been identified in several factories. Workshops and even entire production facilities are quarantined. Special attention was paid to the situation at the Floare factory during today's meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The inspections showed that the safety requirements, observance of which was prescribed for all work collectives, were not observed at the enterprise. The factory administration will be held accountable. The President instructed to strengthen control measures in relation to all manufacturing enterprises, recalling that in case of detection of carriers of the virus, the team should be isolated for two weeks. The same principle will apply in educational institutions: when one sick person is found, the class goes to quarantine. If a second case is registered at school, the entire educational institution shall be suspended from inpatient studies.

Most unfavorable coronavirus environment is in the manufacturing sector of Bendery. There are many complaints about the city's medical facilities. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to conduct a scrupulous check, including quality of the provision of medical services in the local COVID hospital.

The President asked about progress in expanding the hospital base for coronavirus patients. The COVID center in Dubossary resumed its work on the 28th of August. Totally, the Ministry of Health is ready, if necessary, to deploy 1265 beds (taking into account the existing ones). The children's department has been thought out: 120 beds for infected children have been deployed on the basis of the hospital for veterans. They are preparing for a likely increase in the level of child morbidity in connection with the upcoming start of the school year. A supply of medicines is also being prepared. Their number should be sufficient to treat 10000 people, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled his demand.

Speaking about the service discipline and professional conscience of doctors, the President noted that the most effective ways to combat negligence and the "COVID-19 denial syndrome" he considers the practice of sending them to work in infectious diseases hospitals, the strictest widespread control and prosecution for violation of established requirements.

Discussing the upcoming celebrations dedicated to the beginning of the academic year and the Day of the Republic, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that safety depends on each resident of the republic. Law enforcement agencies will control the situation, but the key to success is in the self-awareness and discipline of citizens. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service insists on the advisability of using protective masks in crowded places and observing other quarantine requirements.


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