The President held a meeting dedicated to the preparation of celebrations timed to the Day of the Republic

08/25/20 16:04

The President held a meeting dedicated to the preparation of celebrations timed to the Day of the Republic

Working issues related to preparations for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Pridnestrovie were discussed at the working meeting, organized by videoconference. It was mainly about two large-scale events - the military parade and the accompanying components of the festive program on September 2, as well as the opening of the Catherine Park, timed to coincide with the Republic Day, scheduled for September 1.

The PMR Defense Minister Oleg Obruchkov reported on the readiness for the parade. He recalled that the event, which is traditional in its essence and format, in this year, not only the anniversary year, but also complicated by the coronavirus situation, was organized according to the 2 in 1 principle: the elements characteristic of the parades dedicated to the Great Victory Day were taken into account. The personnel of the law enforcement agencies are involved, the military personnel are preparing to leave in their historical form, as well as the demonstration of 10 units of military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War. The Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces and all Pridnestrovians will also be presented with modern equipment in service with the Pridnestrovian army. The equestrian platoon of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing for the performance. Working rehearsals are mostly completed. The full rehearsal will take place on August 30 at 8:00. Sunday morning was not chosen by chance - in order to minimize the inconvenience caused to road users at the time of rehearsals.

Festive fireworks are promised to the spectacular ones. It will light up the sky over Tiraspol on the 2nd of September at 21:00. An interesting soundtrack has been thought out.

At the initiative of Vadim Krasnoselsky, residents and guests of the city will be able to enjoy classical music performed by young musicians in anticipation of the fireworks. A kind of flash mob will take place on the site of the mini-pier of the diocesan lake: performers will be included in the musical performance one by one.

Returning to the theme of the parade, Vadim Krasnoselsky gave instructions related to ensuring public order. He spoke about security in terms of the non-proliferation of coronavirus. Direct participants in the military parade, including the Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces, will be on without masks. The President will make a traditional speech to the military, veterans and all Pridnestrovians.

On behalf of the President, this year the number of sitting stands has been doubled for the convenience of the townspeople. They are located in two on both sides of the central road, which will allow spectators to watch what is happening on the square in comfortable conditions. Due to quarantine restrictions, they will be only half full: to ensure social distance, guests will be seated through one chair. The new stands are mobile and multifunctional. Used on the days of big holidays in the square, they will not stand idle on weekdays: their main functionality is stands for fans of sports competitions, which are planned to be held frequently on the playgrounds of the Catherine Park.

As for the park: preparations for the opening are in full swing. The city administration and creative teams, as well as builders work. The planned course of events within the framework of the opening of the leisure complex was discussed at the meeting today. The President, who visited the site today with an inspection, gave a number of current instructions. Speaking about the festive program, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that it should be prepared in such a way that every resident and guest of the capital who arrived at the celebration felt that all this was done for him. A large excursion through the park with centralized voice acting has been thought out in addition to the grand opening of the park itself and the monument to Catherine the Great.


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