Special attention was paid to preparations for the upcoming start of the academic year at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President

08/17/20 13:09

Special attention was paid to preparations for the upcoming start of the academic year at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President

The President during the meeting of the Operational Headquarters asked about progress in all spheres related to preparations for the start of the academic year. Kindergartens are gradually returning to work. This week it is planned to open 43 more institutions prepared for the safe reception of children. The entire preschool education system should be launched by the end of this month. The preliminary testing of the personnel of the not functioning kindergartens is underway.

The work is actively underway to launch a new format of the school educational process. The telecom operator has begun to install fiber-optic networks in educational institutions, and is preparing to install new computer equipment in the offices of educational institutions. Centrally purchased computers are expected to arrive in September. By the beginning of autumn, 95% of schools will have their windows replaced, one hundred percent is expected to be reached by the middle of next month. Another aspect that the President emphasized was the purchase of germicidal lamps or other equipment necessary for disinfecting premises. The options proposed earlier, according to experts, do not meet the requirements. Other proposals are being considered. It has not yet been decided whether these will be quartz lamps, shielded irradiators or recirculators. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, it is important that the equipment is not only effective but also safe for children. The President insists on a centralized one-time purchase and installation of this equipment in all schools of the republic. The Minister of Economic Development was instructed to provide all educational institutions with a supply of disinfectants for one month by 28 August. During September, suppliers will deliver the order for a longer period.

The President focused on the issue of ensuring children's access to distance learning. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that based on communication with teachers, he concluded that last year approximately 30% of schoolchildren and 20% of students did not have the technical ability to participate in online studies (official data indicate a 7% lack of coverage). The heads of educational institutions were instructed to work with the families of students, to clarify the situation and prepare the relevant certificates. The President asked what equipment the teachers would use. According to the Minister of Education of the PMR Alla Nikolyuk, teachers are given the opportunity to use school computers, but it is not forbidden to work with home technical resources. This combined approach will ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the timetable, which is currently being worked on in the Ministry of Education and in each educational institution. Administrative flexibility is indispensable in this process, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky, noting that the approach to the ratio of the number of lessons held in classrooms and in distance learning should also be differentiated.

At the moment, training seminars are being held with officials who are responsible for ensuring systemic disinfection of premises of educational institutions. Instructions for teachers are being developed, in which an algorithm of actions will be described in the event of a potential carrier of a viral infection. Art and sports schools prepare for the admission of pupils. The requirements for them are similar to those in the general school. Not only should the entire staff of educational institutions be tested, but also the readiness to receive children in each room should be checked before the start of the school year. Specially created commission will carry out this work until August 28. The leading role is assigned to the employees of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service: they will have to give an opinion on compliance with the new requirements of each office.

The examination of the cabinet fund was carried out on our own at Pridnestrovian State University. According to the State University Rector Stepan Beril, 8400 premises are ready to receive students at the head university and two branches. This amount will make it possible to organize the educational process in two shifts (in the case of distance learning). Documents are prepared to regulate the work of the university in new conditions. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that their provisions should be promptly brought to the attention of the teaching staff.

The issue of the most optimal organization of the educational process in educational institutions subordinated to the power departments was discussed at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The Suvorov Military College, the Cadet Corps, the Tiraspol Juridical Institute and the Military Institute imply a partly barracks form of residence for pupils and first-year students. The relevant departments were instructed to analyze all aspects and make a consolidated decision.

Concluding the discussion of the issues related to the organization of the educational process in the pandemic, the President noted that the implementation will not be easy, therefore the preparation must be thorough and comprehensive.


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