The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters on prevention of the spread of coronavirus

08/10/20 11:30

The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters on prevention of the spread of coronavirus

133 infected patients are treated in two coronavirus hospitals in Pridnestrovie to date, according to the information announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. In addition, 64 people are expected to receive test results for COVID-19 in the medical institutions of the republic. 761 samples of biomaterials were sent for laboratory research during the three days since the previous meeting. The presence of the virus was confirmed in 33 cases. 19 carriers of coronavirus infection recovered during the same period. Totally 22088 samples were tested in laboratory during the pandemic. 1604 cases of coronavirus disease were registered. The mortality rate among COVID patients is 3.4% (54 cases). 1410 people (88%) coped with the disease. The spread coefficient for the week has decreased by one and a half and equals 0.9. The epidemiological situation as a whole remains steadily unfavorable. The quarantine requirements and restrictions are still in effect. The supervisory authorities do not stop activities to supervise its implementation. The effectiveness of the mechanism of controlled self-isolation of citizens has been confirmed by practice. 2354 Pridnestrovians are in home quarantine today. Over two thousand control visits were carried out during the reporting period (4 days). Approximately 4.5 thousand verification measures were carried out in relation to objects of the sphere of trade and services. 160 violations were revealed. The perpetrators are brought to administrative responsibility. Violating institutions suspend their activities. Representatives of the inspection bodies of some cities and districts will periodically visit facilities located in other administrative units with checks on behalf of the President. This preventive measure will increase the effectiveness of control measures, Vadim Krasnoselsky considers. He recalled that the heads of state administrations are responsible for their implementation. They are also responsible for organizing testing of teams of educational institutions on the eve of the beginning of the academic year.

The topic of the upcoming start of the educational process in coronavirus conditions has become one of the main topics included to the agenda of today's meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The Minister of Education informed the President of the readiness to present the so-called passports of all educational institutions of the republic, the opening schedules and, accordingly, preliminary testing of kindergarten personnel, and also spoke about development of voluminous document regulating the procedure for organizing the activities of educational facilities in the existing COVID circumstances. The project will be sent today for approval to the relevant departments.

As for solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, the decision remained unchanged: pupils of 1 and 11 grades will take part in it; the event must be organized exclusively in the fresh air and in compliance with the quarantine distance. The solemn assembly participants at the end of the celebration of the first school bell will go to classrooms where a traditional peace lesson will be held. Its theme this year is the anniversary of the republic. The children will be shown a half-hour film prepared for the 30th anniversary of the PMR by the state TV channel. The rest of the students will also visit the school on September 1, but later and with a breakdown in time - so that the intersection of different classes is minimal. Grades 2-10 will hold the first holiday lesson this year without prior participation in the school solemn assembly. Another important aspect: the flowers, which are traditionally given to teachers on Knowledge Day, should be gathered in bouquets this year, complicated by the pandemic, without the use of packaging materials. This information will also be brought to the attention of entrepreneurs selling flower products.

Drawing a line under the block of questions on educational topics, Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed gratitude to everyone involved in preparing for the start of the school year, noting that the republic is successfully coping with all the challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

They spoke today about the next measures to ease quarantine restrictions. It is proposed to resume the activities of institutions in the sphere of additional education. We are talking not only about children's clubs, but also all kinds of courses for adult citizens. In addition, the issue of the possibility of holding performances of creative teams in open park areas of cities and regions of the republic was discussed. An important condition is an area sufficient for the safe placement of spectators. Another public request is the opening of saunas and bath complexes. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service has developed recommendations for organizing their safe operation.

Members of the Operational Headquarters discussed the issue, voiced by the Minister of Health, regarding testing of people with special needs entering the republic. If a citizen with a disability traveled outside Pridnestrovie for medical reasons and other necessity related to the preservation of life and health, then the testing upon return will be carried out at public expense. In all other cases, when it comes to leisure and personal travel, laboratory testing is carried out for this category of citizens on a general basis - at their own expense.

The next meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President is scheduled for Thursday.


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