COVID statistics today and the current work of the Operational Headquarters

08/06/20 12:59

COVID statistics today and the current work of the Operational Headquarters

Current information on the COVID situation in Pridnestrovie was announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus. 700 samples of biomaterial were sent for laboratory research over the three days that have passed since the previous meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The presence of the virus has been confirmed in twenty cases. 67 people were discharged from coronavirus hospitals who coped with the disease during this period. Totally 1573 cases of COVID-19 infection were registered, 54 carriers of the virus died (mortality 3.4%), 1391 (88%) recovered during the pandemic in Pridnestrovie. The prevalence rate at the moment is 1. A comparative analysis of the last two weeks indicates a 27% decrease in the incidence rate among Pridnestrovians, but the sanitary-epidemiological stations still estimates the epidemiological situation in the republic as persistently unfavorable. It was noted at the meeting at the same time, that the situation in Pridnestrovie is much better than in other states, including those of the nearest neighbors. If in PMR the average daily morbidity is 2 cases per 100000 population, in Moldova this figure exceeds 15. In this regard, the President aimed at maintaining the quarantine norms in force in Pridnestrovie, and urged not to reduce vigilance, to continue control and preventive activities in all directions. Vadim Krasnoselsky called the protection of the medical staff an important factor. To date, 8 doctors are undergoing treatment in infectious diseases hospitals. Cases of infection of doctors are inevitable, the main thing is timely detection, operational isolation and high-quality treatment, the President emphasized and noted that silence or concealment of the facts of the disease is unacceptable.

Question of the increased load on the capital's COVID laboratory was raised during the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. Despite the fact that its performance has increased markedly after the upgrade of equipment, the demand exceeds the possibilities. The launch of the Rybnitsa laboratory is expected not earlier than in a month. The President recalled that if there is a certificate of a negative result of testing, issued by other states less than 72 hours before arrival in Pridnestrovie, there is no need to take an analysis. Another aspect that Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to is the mandatory issuance of a document to a citizen about the laboratory-confirmed absence of COVID-19 and the automatic entry of the relevant information into a single database (this is the responsibility of territorial crisis centers). Information that is important for the citizens of the PMR traveling outside Pridnestrovie: a certificate issued by the Tiraspol laboratory confirming the coronavirus test is valid abroad.

Members of the Operational Headquarters said that the concept of "dubious result" had appeared in laboratory practice. If specialists are not sure about the result of a study of a citizen's biomaterial carried out on a paid basis, then retesting is carried out at the state expense.

Preparations for the school year beginning were discussed at the meeting. The Minister of Education informed about the work carried out in this direction and the proposals under consideration for organizing the educational process in the context of the pandemic. After analyzing the possibilities of education sector, the officials came to the conclusion that there is no need for a three-shift system: it will be possible to cope with safe placement of pupils when organizing the educational process in two shifts (and in small schools - in one). The educational process is organized both internally and remotely. The schedule will be formed in such a way that no more than 4-5 lessons are held per day in a school (taking into account physical education, which will complete the school day, and only as long as there is an opportunity to conduct classes in this discipline in the fresh air). An important aspect: children will not move from one classroom to another. Trial launch of the system chosen by the Pridnestrovian Ministry of Education for the organization of distance learning will be carried out today, during the day. This platform has already been tested by PSU and one of the capital's colleges.

As for institutions of additional education: the requirements for them are similar to those in schools. The administrations will have to formulate the class schedule based on their quarantine norms and taking into account the fact that schoolchildren are now employed in two shifts.

Kindergartens were discussed today. So far, no more than a third of preschool institutions have been opened in the republic. This is due to not being fully prepared for the safe reception of children. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled his recommendation to complete the procedure for resuming the work of kindergartens in the next couple of weeks in order to distribute the load on laboratories: by September, mass testing of personnel of all educational institutions is to be carried out.

Detailed information on each educational institution of the republic, as well as a draft regulatory framework regulating the functioning of the educational sphere in quarantine conditions, should be ready by August 10. In addition, the President instructed to prepare regulations for the transition to strict quarantine in the event that COVID-19 is detected in an educational institution.


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