Decision of the Operational Headquarters

07/27/20 14:46

Decision of the Operational Headquarters

Expected resumption of flights by Russia from August 1, which will lead to increase in citizens number arriving in Pridnestrovie was discussed in the course of the Operational Headquarters. Today, everyone entering the republic is obliged to be tested at the border using the express method or, in case of refusal to test, to spend the allotted time in home isolation. The express check procedure for COVID-19 is carried out at the expense of the Pridnestrovian state. Taking into account the upcoming increase in passenger traffic, the burden on the republican budget will noticeably increase. Ensuring the safety of the Pridnestrovian population while easing restrictive measures should not become an unbearable burden for the state treasury, it was noted at the meeting. A new mechanism corresponding to realities is proposed. Citizens arriving from abroad who do not have a valid certificate of the absence of COVID-19 are obliged to confirm within three days that are not infected with coronavirus. He passes the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test at his own expense. In case of negative result of the analysis, a person is free to move further on the territory of the republic. If COVID-19 is detected, the carrier of the infection is placed in a coronavirus hospital and undergoes a full course of treatment at public expense. If testing is abandoned, self-isolation is strictly controlled. Its effective duration is approved by the chief sanitary doctor. The regulations are being worked out. It will come into force on August 1.


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