The award ceremony for citizens and organizations that took an active part in the fight against coronavirus infection was held at the presidential executive office

07/24/20 12:05

The award ceremony for citizens and organizations that took an active part in the fight against coronavirus infection was held at the presidential executive office

The President personally presented medals “For saving life”, badges “For services to society” and letters of thanks from the PMR President. Taking into consideration the quarantine circumstances, it is not possible to gather in one room all those who did not stand aside and actively joined the fight against the new virus, the spread of which became a serious test not only for the Pridnestrovian society, but also for the whole world. The awards are held at different venues and at different times. Doctors, for example, accepted well-deserved awards on the International Day of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Worker. Representatives of other spheres of activity will be celebrated on their professional holiday. Heads of state administrations were instructed to hold solemn ceremonies on the ground, paying tribute to volunteers, as well as entrepreneurs, who if possible took upon themselves the costs associated with anti-coronavirus activities, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, addressing the participants in the ceremony.

The PMR President recalled that the republic did not wait for outside assistance. Realizing the danger of a massive spread of infection, the Pridnestrovians saved the country from the "import" of the virus, promptly redesigned production facilities, established the production of protective equipment and disinfectants, organized a network of infectious diseases hospitals, ensuring the isolation and treatment of carriers of COVID-19. Vadim Krasnoselsky said that, unlike many other states, Pridnestrovie takes the position of strictly hospital treatment of patients with coronavirus. The President focused on the professionalism of the Pridnestrovian doctors, who were able to cope with the most difficult clinical cases of the disease. The fact that the unexpected load on the PMR Ministry of Health did not become disastrous for him is a common merit, the President emphasized. In his opinion, the correct organization of preventive work, the timely introduction of restrictive measures, the discipline and conscientiousness of citizens made it possible to minimize the burden on doctors at COVID hospitals, which means to ensure the high quality of medical services and the effectiveness of treatment.

Calling the pandemic a challenge, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that Pridnestrovie is worthy of opposing it.

Managers and individual employees of the factories "KVINT" and MMZ, SZAO "Interdnestrokom", "Tirotex", "Odema" and the Rybnitsa sewing factory, as well as numerous legal entities that have provided all possible assistance to the state and residents of the republic in the fight against COVID 19 are among the awardees collectives. The President's words of gratitude are also addressed today to volunteers representing various departments who put on white medical overalls for infectious diseases hospitals during the pandemic.


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