Kamenka sanatorium is 85 years old! About where the story of the famous health resort beg

07/21/20 16:20

Kamenka sanatorium is 85 years old! About where the story of the famous health resort beg

The sanatorium was opened on July 21, 1935, but the resort in Kamenka was widely known back in the 19th century

One of the attractions of Pridnestrovie is a unique health resort, famous for its therapeutic procedures. This is the Dnestr sanatorium in Kamenka, known not only in Pridnestrovie, but also far beyond the borders of the republic. Today is one of the significant dates in its history: on July 21, 1935, there was opened a sanatorium in the old building of the Wittgenstein princes health resort hall in Kamenka. Although, Kamenka enhanced its reputation as an amazing resort back in the 19th century.

The pearl of Podolia, as the publicists call Kamenka, was considered the first resort using botryotherapy in southwestern Russia. It is believed that Kamenka became a health resort thanks to the appearance of a health resort hall (hotel) in 1890, but sources indicate that people came here for health much earlier.

It is known that the Wittgenstein princes, the descendants of the famous Peter Khristianovich, the "savior of Petersburg" and creator of a picturesque park and grape terraces in Kamenka, built premises for those wishing to improve their health using local natural properties back in the 1870s.

“Quite a lot of people come here (in Kamenka) together in autumn with a medical purpose, so the current owner of Kamenka has arranged several profitable rooms for the sick,” we read in the Podolsk diocesan bulletin dated 1879.

And here is an excerpt from the same edition for 1881:

"This orchard (vineyards) exists today, attracting significant number of patients."

In 1883, 600 people (!) were being treated with grapes in Kamenka (!), and one of the guests wrote about it as a "lovely climate station". He noted that the health resort was recommended to him by a medical professor from Kiev and that "the professor's kind remark about Kamenka was justified."

To welcome everyone, Prince Fedor Lvovich Wittgenstein built a large two-story building in the new park - a health resort hall (hotel), and comfortable summer cottages next to it. It happened in 1890. The building of the health resort hall still attracts tourists. Today it houses the pump room of the sanatorium complex, where patients are treated with local mineral water.

It is interesting that botryotherapy at the Kamenka resort was combined with drinking kumis - thoroughbred mares` milk. This product is an excellent prophylactic agent against cardiovascular, stomach and liver diseases. It is not surprising that people from all over the Russian Empire came to Kamenka for treatment.

During the First World War (1914-18) Heinrich and Elizabeth Wittgenstein opened a hospital for soldiers and officers in the building of health resort hall at their own expense.

However, subsequent historical cataclysms - the revolution of 1917 and the civil war in Russia - led to decay of Kamenka health resort. In 1921, the health resort hall building burned down.

Although, they have not forgotten about the pearl of Podolia`s healing properties. In the 30s, the health resort was reborn out of the ashes. In 1932, the health resort hall was restored, and there was established a rest house for front-rank workers in the building. Two years later, a decision was made to build a sanatorium here. Its grand opening took place on July 21, 1935. First, the sanatorium was named after P.P. Postyshev - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, and then - after V.I. Lenin.

Sergey Melnik, chief custodian of the Kamenka complex memorial museums funds wrote in his article that the health resort was built for 200 people and had a children's department with capacity of 50. In the sanatorium, they were treated for diseases of the lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. They also treated articular rheumatism, nervous and gynecological diseases. This was facilitated by a combination of medical factors (the latest equipment and qualified specialists) and natural conditions (sun, air, fruits, grapes, river and beach). 

A new period of decay began during the years of the German-Romanian occupation in Kamenka (1941-1944). Sergey Melnik notes that the equipment of the sanatorium was looted, and the amount of damage exceeded 1.2 million rubles.

The third life of the resort began in the 60s. A cardiological sanatorium for 200 people is opening here. Its name Dnestr quickly became a household word in the Soviet Union. The health resort profile expanded, here they also treated liver diseases and metabolic disorders. The old method of botryotherapy was used. In order to welcome as many people as possible, the sanatorium was expanded: in 1972-1977 it was reconstructed, and the number of beds increased to 500.

But then history took a sharp turn again. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 90s, Kamenka health resort had been through hard times. As Sergey Melnik notes, the sanatorium only survived thanks to its employees and administration` s dedicated work, assistance from enterprises and the efforts of the republic's leadership.

The renovation of buildings and interiors began here in 1999. In 2000 the old building of the health resort hall was reconstructed.

In the 2000th, the sanatorium was gasified, there were opened a dentistry department, pharmaceutical center, and sauna. In 2013, near the sanatorium there was drilled a well for radon - natural gas in a mixture of water, which healing properties attracted guests.

Today, carbon dioxide, oxygen, iodine-bromine, hydrogen sulfide and radon therapeutic baths are offered here. Advanced physiotherapy methods are applied. In recent years, Dnestr has been given a good impetus of development. There began construction of a new four-story building of the polyclinic. But due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, they not only had to suspend construction, but also close the sanatorium for quarantine. However, the eventful history of the health resort suggests that Kamenka resort will always be in demand thanks to the unique combination of medical and natural factors. On July 28, the sanatorium will open its doors to guests again.

Alexander Koretsky


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