The Operational Headquarters Current Work

06/25/20 11:26

The Operational Headquarters Current Work

The President held a meeting of the Operational Headquarters for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus. The Head of the Operational Headquarters Ruslan Mova said that 159 people with confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus and 45 people suspected of infection are being treated in infectious hospitals. One citizen of the PMR is hospitalized in a medical facility in Chisinau. Totally 1169 cases of COVID-19 have been registered among Pridnestrovians over the entire period of research. 45 people died (mortality remains at 3.8%). The percentage of recovery approaches 81% (944 facts). Totally 12963 biomaterial samples were sent for laboratory research. Rapid testing is actively used. Thanks to the support of local business, the Pridnestrovian Ministry of Health will receive another 10000 express tests within a month. IDC took over the next supply of gloves and respirators. Tirotex factory ordered 10000 protective gowns and a thousand overalls for doctors. The company started sewing. The first thousand overalls will be ready in a week. If the situation does not require urgency of execution, the entire order is planned to be completed by early August.

The President raised the issue of surcharges for orderlies working with COVID patients. The legal framework now prescribes financial incentives for doctors, nurses and paramedics in contact with infected patients. The government has been instructed to work out the issue, correcting injustice.

Discussing decisions already made and proposals on further mitigation of quarantine restrictions, the headquarters members agreed on the advisability of resuming full-fledged movement of intercity public transport - in compliance with quarantine requirements, but it was decided to wait with the widespread opening of kindergartens. Pilot launch of pre-school education institutions in cities is possible, where the registration of cases of infection of local residents with the coronavirus will be reduced to zero. The question is worked out.

Members of the Operational Headquarters on behalf of the President should form a unified position regarding the possibility of resuming the activities of "The Dniester" Kamenka sanatorium by Monday.

The special control of the Operational Headquarters is over summer health camps, in which pupils of closed-type social institutions are located. "The Dniester dawns" is at risk from the point of view of the flood. The situation is constantly monitored, and in case of danger, children are urgently evacuated.

Residents of Pridnestrovie are allowed to leave the republic for summer vacations outside the Pridnestrovian region, as agreed with the Operations Headquarters. A prerequisite is two-week quarantine upon returning from trips abroad.

The position of the Pridnestrovian Operations Headquarters under the President regarding the situation with the labor activity of citizens of the PMR living in Pridnestrovie and working in neighboring Moldova remains unchanged: voyage in circumstances of the pandemic is unacceptable. Vadim Krasnoselsky said that if a Pridnestrovian employee works in the territory of a neighboring state, in which the mass spread of coronavirus is in the active phase, he must isolate himself for two weeks after returning to homeland. Restrictions remain in the opposite situation, when Moldovan citizens work in Pridnestrovie. Entry into the territory of the PMR is closed for these persons during the duration of the pandemic. Employers solve issues related to the registration of labor relations for this period, in an individual, agreed upon by the parties.


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