The President visited a modern dairy farm, being on a working visit to Rybnitsa district

06/24/20 19:00

The President visited a modern dairy farm, being on a working visit to Rybnitsa district

Development of agriculture in the region and the republic as a whole was one of the topics of the working discussion held at the Rybnitsa state administration. The president and the district head spoke about the importance of agribusiness for the economy of the republic, paying particular attention to the livestock industry. Its development is a priority, which in the Pridnestrovian agro-climatic conditions makes it possible to organize full-cycle agricultural production. Meat and dairy products are in demand both within the republic and abroad. The state supports agrarians. Assistance in the form of preferential taxation, loans, subsidies, reduced cost of irrigation water allows investment increase in fixed assets of agricultural enterprises, expand business, and modernize production. The interlocutors mentioned Fialt-Agro as an example of a successful agricultural project. This enterprise, functioning since the end of 2003, has occupied its niche in the agricultural sector of the republic and today is the largest producer of beef and milk. The Head of the Rybnitsa administration Viktor Tyagay told Vadim Krasnoselsky that the agricultural firm continues to expand. The President decided to visit the livestock complex. This is not the first visit of the President to this enterprise. The President emphasized that the potential of the agricultural sector of Pridnestrovie is great, and the times of mismanagement, wastefulness and irresponsible attitude to the land are a thing of the past.

Vadim Krasnoselsky and Victor Tyagay visited the villages of Popenki and Zozulyany. The local population is employed due to the functioning of a livestock enterprise owned by Fialt-Agro LLC. At the entrance to the farm, the delegation met the director. Sergey Pisarenko said that the dairy complex seeks to achieve by 2026 a quantitative indicator of 1280 heads of feed livestock and a production capacity of the plant of 30 tons of milk processed per day. The territory of the farm allows expanding infrastructure. Last year, construction of additional buildings began. A new loose housing barn for 400 animals and an automated milking parlor are already operating. Both are equipped with the most modern equipment. Special conditions are created for calves. They increased the number of livestock: almost two hundred heifers of black-motley Holstein-motley breed were purchased in 2019, this year they bought 230 representatives of Holstein-Friesian. The 2020 plans include a third purchase of about the same number. By 2021, the total number of farms should exceed 2000. During the current year, it is planned to overpower the next stage of infrastructure expansion - the construction of a barn for 880 animals.

Taking into account that the complex is a component of a closed production cycle, an important principle of which is waste-free, the administration of the enterprise has thought out a system of removal with automatic separation into fractions. The company is growing feed base. The agricultural company acquired equipment for irrigation of lands in long-term used for the cultivation of fodder crops (corn for silage, alfalfa). Up to five mowings are usually carried out per year. They count on four at present, the head of the agricultural enterprise said, noting that the number of mowing is not as important as yield. According to him, prudent process management is the most important aspect for organizing effective land use and agriculture in general. Vadim Krasnoselsky supported this opinion, noting that this principle applies in all areas of business and the life of society.

Inspecting the functioning facilities and discussing plans for the further development of the complex, the interlocutors spoke about the prospects for employment of more citizens, providing the population of the republic with affordable and high-quality meat and dairy products. It was noted that today's statistics indicate an insufficient level of consumption of milk and its derivatives by Pridnestrovians. It is necessary not only to develop the meat and dairy industry of the republic’s agriculture, but also to revive the culture of milk consumption in modern Pridnestrovian society as an essential component of healthy diet, the President said.

Concluding the excursion and inspection of the agricultural complex, Vadim Krasnoselsky wished the staff of the enterprise further success, emphasizing that the state and business should build exclusively mutually beneficial partnerships.


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