The President visited district healthcare facilities of Kamenka

06/24/20 17:11

The President visited district healthcare facilities of Kamenka

A number of healthcare institutions were visited today by leaders of the state and the Kamenka district. Among them there is the regional hospital. The President paid attention to the infection department of the Central District Hospital. During the pandemic, two residents of the district were diagnosed with COVID-19 on April 3 and May 22. The staff of the department expressed gratitude to Vadim Krasnoselsky personally and the entire leadership of the country for the timely and full provision of protective equipment. Taking into consideration that no new infections were found among the local population, the institution as a coronavirus hospital suspended its activities. In case of registration of the facts of the disease COVID-19, carriers of infection from the number of residents of Kamenka will be sent for treatment to the Rybnitsa hospital.

This is not the first time the President has drawn attention to the entrance to a local clinic. The entrance group is being reconstructed. The republican clinical hospital administration asks if possible to allocate funds for tiling the tracks leading to the medical facility. The polyclinic, after lifting the state of emergency, began to work - so far in restricted mode.

Moving around the district, Vadim Krasnoselsky visited several villages of Kamenka district. His attention was attracted by a medical dispensary in Podoyma. Local dispensary is an example of a modern medical facility for small towns. The institution serves residents of several villages of the district. Spacious and versatile, it resembles a mini-clinic.

The chief physician of the Kamenka Central District Hospital told the President that a new medical and obstetrical station was also expected in the village of Yantarnoye. There the situation is critical. The outpatient department requires urgent repairs. The roof of the building cannot be restored. It needs to be changed. There is an opinion that it would be more correct to demolish the old building and build a new modular building for the medical facility. There are other proposals, for example, to preserve and reconstruct the capital walls of an existing building: given the sufficiently large area of ​​its premises, in case of reconstruction, they could accommodate not only the outpatient clinic, but also other administrative institutions, including rural post office. The President took note of the information. The solution to the issue requires discussion, which will not take long, said Vadim Krasnoselsky. The President emphasized that field visits are organized in order to have a clear picture of the situation in the regions, to listen to different opinions and arguments.


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