The President with his wife attended the opening ceremony of the monument to medical workers participating in the Great Patriotic War, local wars and emergency situation first responders

06/20/20 12:09

The President with his wife attended the opening ceremony of the monument to medical workers participating in the Great Patriotic War, local wars and emergency situation first responders

The opening ceremony of the memorial sign was held at the entrance to the building of the medical faculty of the Pridnestrovian State University where new generation of doctors is preparing. The location was not chosen by chance. The stone commemorates the feat of the medical workers participating in the Great Patriotic War, local wars and emergency response personnel. It is symbolic that the monument was created in the Year of Health, and was opened on the eve of the Day of the medical and pharmaceutical workers.

Turning to the few participants of the celebration due to quarantine restrictions, the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated all health workers on their upcoming professional holiday, expressing gratitude for the work, significance of which cannot be overestimated. The presidential thank you is addressed to the initiator of the monument - deputy of the PMR Supreme Council Ilona Tyuryaeva. She is a descendant of front-line doctors who went through the entire Great Patriotic War and then continued to fight for the life and health of people in peacetime. The President thanked the author of the idea for personal involvement and active citizenship.

Speaking about the importance of the medical profession, Vadim Krasnoselsky said that people in medical overall are always at the forefront. The President emphasized the contribution of today's representatives of the healthcare sector to the fight against new virus that has spread throughout the world. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the professionalism and responsibility of Pridnestrovian doctors and mid-level medical workers who did not allow high mortality from disease that has not yet been studied. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the numerous letters and appeals in which the Pridnestrovians who survived COVID-19 thank the medical staff of the infectious disease hospitals deployed throughout the republic. The President informed the participants of the festive event about the decision to reward everyone who is directly involved in the dangerous fight against coronavirus with the medal "For Saving Life". Vadim Krasnoselsky, who opened the commemorative sign today, called it a symbol of gratitude and respect to all medical workers who had already left, but left an indelible mark on the souls of grateful patients, and those who today protect the health of citizens.


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