Commemorative events in Bendery continue

06/19/20 10:18

Commemorative events in Bendery continue

The first persons of the state, Heads of the republic’s law enforcement agencies, the Head of Bendery and the chairman of the city council laid fresh flowers at the memorial sign installed in 2010 in honor of the women who defended Pridnestrovie. We are talking about the participants in the "rail war" - activists of the women's strike committee, who defended the young republic in the early 1990s. On September 1, 1991, they went to a rally, upholding the freedom of Pridnestrovian deputies, and then, along with men continued the struggle for the independence of Pridnestrovie.

Annually, on June 19, the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and his wife lay flowers at a stone slab installed in Panina Street in Bendery not far from the railway track.

Grigory Echin Street is another memorable place, which on the Day of the Bendery tragedy is visited by citizens of Bender and guests of the city. The name of militiaman from Bendery was given in memory of the employee of the internal affairs bodies who died on April 1, 1992 from weapons of Moldavian nationalists. Participants in the mourning events laid flowers to the stone slab where the names of Bendery militia department officers and militiamen who gave their lives protecting civilians.

A mourning scattering of carnations was laid traditionally at the monument erected in the courtyard of a residential building near the Bendery Square of Liberation. In this place on the night of June 20, 1992, the Cossacks who defended Bendery were killed. The stone cross was later built in memory of all the Cossacks who died at the hands of the Moldavian aggressors. 92 names were included to the sad list. Together with the President and representatives of state authorities, atamans Igor Nebeigolova and Vladimir Bogdan they laid flowers in memory of fellow soldiers.


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