Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the OSCE delegation headed by Thomas Mayr-Harting

06/17/20 18:36

Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the OSCE delegation headed by Thomas Mayr-Harting

Meeting of Vadim Krasnoselsky with the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Thomas Mayr-Harting was held at the office of the PMR President. This is the third visit of European diplomat to Pridnestrovie and his second meeting with the President. The ambassador was accompanied by the Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova Claus Neukirch. The Pridnestrovian side was also represented by the PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev and the Advisor to the PMR President on foreign policy, the Ambassador-at-Large in the rank of Deputy Minister Ruslan Slobodenyuk.

The main part of the dialogue was dedicated to the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova. The interlocutors noted that the pandemic and related restrictions negatively affected the dynamics and effectiveness of negotiations. At the same time, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the vital activity of society should not stop due to the spread of coronavirus: it is necessary to learn to live and interact in new realities. The Moldovan-Pridnestrovian dialogue, as well as the work of the “5 + 2” format, should be continued, possibly in an updated form, the PMR President considers. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled the presence of unresolved issues and unfulfilled agreements, the number of which is growing, expressing readiness to discuss in detail with European diplomats each item included to the current agenda.

The Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Thomas Mayr-Harting shared this approach, noting that he is interested in the progress of the negotiation process. According to him, the forward movement should be realized in any, even extremely difficult circumstances. He designated his role as feasible assistance to the parties. The OSCE representative noted that he took the first opportunity to arrive in the republic: yesterday direct flights between Vienna and Chisinau were resumed; Today Thomas Mayr-Harting is on the working visit to Tiraspol.

The interlocutors discussed a wide range of topics related to the work of the “Permanent Meeting ...” format. It was noted in the course of the discussion that at the level of the leadership of the two republics, working contact was established that allows resolving issues and problems requiring urgent presidential participation. They talked about activities of expert (working) groups, which play an important role in the negotiation process.

Following the meeting, participants expressed satisfaction with the conversation. The interlocutors called it productive and agreed to continue the interaction.


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