The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters for Prevention of Spread of the Virus

06/04/20 13:35

The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters for Prevention of Spread of the Virus

Expanded meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President with involvement of the chief physicians in the working discussion was traditionally held in a video conference mode. This time, the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the PMR Yelena Gorodetskaya, was also invited to the conversation. The participation is due to the need to discuss the preparation of all-Russian vote if it is held in Pridnestrovie. It is known that it is scheduled for July 1 in the Russian Federation. The heads of state administrations, together with the Central Executive Committee of Pridnestrovie and the Operational Headquarters, were entrusted with preparing the necessary conditions for organizing the voting.

Solemn events dedicated to the end of educational institutions are allowed exclusively in the fresh air. Park areas, which local administrations will determine, will be decorated thematically to create a festive atmosphere at the time of delivery of certificates and diplomas. Holding banquets and music entertainment events habitual for graduation parties is prohibited this year. The preliminary plans for organizing the celebration of the Day of Medical Worker were discussed today. Vadim Krasnoselsky proposed to coincide with this date the official opening of the obelisk, created in honor of the physicians who participated in the hostilities. Initially, the opening of the monument was planned for May 9 of this year, but the pandemic made adjustments to the plans. The obelisk is installed at the entrance to the building of the Faculty of Medicine of PSU. The idea belongs to the Deputy of the Supreme Council Ilona Tyuryaeva.

Today, the first customers are accepted by catering facilities: open terraces of summer cafes. The President drew attention to the fact that before the pandemic, not all establishments practiced fresh air service, and urged not to impede, but rather, to assist business entities that express such a desire.

Service in temples is resuming with caution. From June 5, the doors of churches and houses of worship will open again. At the same time, priests and administration are instructed to monitor compliance by parishioners with quarantine restrictions. Daily services can be held with the participation of citizens, the number of which depends on the area of ​​the premises. Festive, traditionally more massive, services are recommended to be carried out in the courtyards of churches. Opening of church shops is allowed.

Taking into consideration approaching of summer, the topic of the opening of the beach season is relevant. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service is entrusted with working out recommendations and requirements for the organization of recreation areas near water. Another instruction of the President is to think over the mechanism for the alternate placement of the youth in closed social institutions on summer camps and other recreation centers. It is important that children from different groups do not intersect, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky. As for the rest of schoolchildren - it was decided to postpone this practice.

On Monday, city public minibus taxies will run. The question of the resumption of children's attractions in parks and squares is discussed. The plan - is the opening of clothing markets. A decision in this regard is planned to be made next Monday.

They spoke in the course of the meeting about the progress and preliminary results of the checks on the legality of the distribution of financial resources allocated for bonuses to physicians and other employees directly involved in anti-coronavirus activities. Controlling authorities revealed violations. The President spoke of their inadmissibility. The topic of forming the seniority of citizens working with COVID patients is also under special control. At the initiative of Vadim Krasnoselsky, it will be calculated according to the “day in three” formula. An appropriate legal framework is being prepared. In addition, the President considers it appropriate to award such people with the medal “For saving life”.


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