The President held meeting of the Presidiums of the PMR Government and the Supreme Council

05/12/20 17:13

The President held meeting of the Presidiums of the PMR Government and the Supreme Council

The main issue of the video conference initiated by the President was dedicated to the law on state support during the 2020 pandemic. This is not the first working conversation about the discrepancy of legal norms and, as a consequence, the presence of a significant number of questions for their application in practice. The stumbling block turned out to be the determination of the entities covered by the right to receive temporary unemployment benefits by individual entrepreneurs whose activities were suspended by the decision of the relevant state bodies due to quarantine restrictions. There are more than 22000 patent holders in Pridnestrovie. Initially 10718 self-employed entrepreneurs were under the measures. 5440 people applied for benefits. Approximately a half has been approved. There are those who have received official reasoned refusal. Many applications are in the works. Taking into consideration the already serious burden on the budget and uncertainty in pandemic of sources of repayment of the increased deficit, the issue of expanding the circle of recipients of state aid must be approached carefully, it was noted during the meeting with the President. At the same time, it is important to observe the principles of equality and justice, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. After a lengthy discussion, exchange of views and arguments based on financial calculations, the meeting participants supported the position of the President: recipients of benefits, the amount of which is calculated based on the amount of 1647 rubles for a full month of downtime, should be all individual entrepreneurs whose activities were suspended due to quarantine, - regardless of the availability of any other source of income. Taking into account that restrictive measures in the republic are gradually softened, and many entrepreneurs are resuming business, the load on the state treasury will be proportionally reduced.

Clarifying amendments to the law on state support will be proposed for introduction tomorrow. They will be discussed at the plenary session of the PMR Supreme Council.

They also discussed related issues during the meeting, for example, on the appropriateness of minimizing the number of documents the provision of which is prescribed when applying for benefits. If the deputies approve the proposed legislative clarifications tomorrow, the requirement to provide a copy of the work book will lose its relevance.


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