On Meeting with the World Health Organisation

05/06/20 15:21

On Meeting with the World Health Organisation

Специалисты Всемирной организации здравоохранения изучают опыт республики в борьбе с коронавирусом COVID-19

The  Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting with the World Health Organization delagation led by Igor Pokanevich, WHO Representative in the Republic of Moldova. The Pridnestrovian side was represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs  Vitaly Ignatiev, Minister of Internal Affairs Ruslan Mova, acting  Minister of Health Elena Kulichenko, the first deputy head of the department Kristina Albul and the head doctor of the State Institution “Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” Natalia Beril.

The WHO technical mission arrived in Pridnestrovie to assess the situation in the fight against the new type of coronavirus infection in the republic.

Welcoming the guests, Vitaly Ignatiev praised the visit of WHO experts to Pridnestrovie. “I would like to emphasize the international partners' attention to the processes taking place in Pridnestrovie, including the World Health Organization we are in constant working contact with. This visit is exclusively technical, expert in nature and is designed to determine the interaction parameters and expert analysis of the situation and  measures that we are taking to counter the pandemic in Pridnestrovie, ” the Pridnestrovian Foreign Minister emphasized.

In turn, Elena Kulichenko and Ruslan Mova noted the interest of the Pridnestrovian side in the exchange of practical experience gained in the fight against coronavirus throughout the world. “We are ready today to acquaint you with the statistics of morbidity, to show the work of our medical institutions. We will be very grateful for the conclusions that you will draw during your visit, ” Elena Kulichenko said.

The WHO representative Igor Pokanevich, in the framework of  communication, expressed his opinion on the long-term nature of the COVID-19 epidemic, emphasizing in this connection the need to develop mechanisms meant at  infection fighting through joint efforts. “In medical terms, the antidote to this virus is solidarity and cohesion so that actions taken at the global and regional levels produce results and we ensure normal and safe life of the population as quickly as possible. Those technical issues that we raise will help to understand what opportunities do exist for detecting and responding to the situation, identify vulnerabilities and take measures to eliminate them, ” Igor Pokanevich said.

During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed a number of pressing issues of bilateral cooperation between Pridnestrovie and WHO and the current epidemiological situation in the PMR. In this context, the Pridnestrovian side dwelt in detail on the whole range of measures taken as part of COVID-19 spread  countering in Pridnestrovie. In particular, the WHO representatives were informed about the statistics of coronavirus infection in the PMR, the possibilities of the republic’s healthcare system to treat this disease, measures to provide Pridnestrovian medical personnel with personal protective equipment, and other aspects.

As a follow-up to the discussion, representatives of Pridnestrovie answered questions from WHO experts, who, in turn, also expressed a number of technical advices and recommendations, including for surveillance system for epidemiological diseases. The parameters of possible methodological, practical and other assistance to Pridnestrovie through the WHO were separately discussed.

At the end of the meeting, the Pridnestrovian side emphasized the readiness for further transparent cooperation with the World Health Organisation.

Today, as part of  monitoring visit, WHO experts will also visit the Crisis Center of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the laboratory and a number of medical institutions of the republic.


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