Meeting of the Operational Headquarters: situation with the spread of coronavirus is under control of the President

04/21/20 13:04

Meeting of the Operational Headquarters: situation with the spread of coronavirus is under control of the President

Vadim Krasnoselsky held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus. The work took place in an expanded format. Chief doctors of the largest medical institutions of towns and districts of the republic were involved in the discussion in the videoconference mode. They informed about the situation on the ground, outlining the existing problems and voicing proposals for their solution.

Information relevant at the time of the meeting under the President: the number of cases of COVID-19 infection among Pridnestrovians is 292. 14 patients died, 17 recovered. One citizen of PMR is undergoing treatment outside the republic. 260 people are in coronavirus hospitals in Pridnestrovie. 150 of them are in the Slobodzeya hospital. More than half of all cases (54%, or 153 people) are residents of the capital. Approximately the same number was recorded in the Slobodzeya and Dubossary districts, as well as in Bendery. 3.7% (11 cases) are children. The effectiveness of treatment, according to local experts, is 5.8%. Mortality among carriers of COVID-19 is 4.8% in Pridnestrovie (global mortality statistics - 6.1%). An important aspect: almost all deceased coronavirus patients suffered from serious concomitant diseases.

It is likely that in the near future the number of diagnosed COVID patients will increase. This is due to the mass rapid testing of citizens involved in coronavirus control that began in the republic. Only for the study of biomaterial of medical personnel will need more than 4000 tests, it was noted during the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. They talked about the advisability of testing the teams of enterprises that fulfill the state order for the manufacture of protective clothing, as well as the personnel responsible for preparing food for patients in coronavirus hospitals and medical workers who are isolated from families.

Tiraspol COVID Laboratory begins work. Its production capacity is 60 laboratory assessments per day. Measures are being taken to deploy additional research points in the future. Negotiations are underway on the purchase of the necessary equipment, as well as on the purchase of respirators and glasses, which, according to doctors, will eventually require replacement, as they become unusable due to frequent and severe decontamination. Sewing of protective overalls continues. To date, 11500 units have been produced by local manufacturers, the state order is 15000. A request has been received to diversify the size range. The President urged to listen to the opinion of doctors, noting that it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure the maximum comfort of medical work in the existing conditions. Proposal to launch the mass production of overalls from the fabric of the Tiraspol factory “Tirotex” is discussed.

The number of operating Artificial Lung Ventilation due to the involvement in the diagnosis and repair of diverse technical specialists managed to increase to 102 units. There is hope to return five more mechanical ventilation systems. The rest are not subject to restoration. That is, 107 devices is the maximum.

Serious help in timely and effective diagnosis is the availability of computer tomographs. They should be maximally involved, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky. It is important to clearly follow the schedule for the use of artificial lung ventilation in work with patients with coronavirus and other diseases, as well as follow the rules for disinfecting equipment, was emphasized at the meeting. The President spoke about the importance of timely and high-quality processing of dishes and containers in which food is delivered to medical facilities and to bases where health workers involved in anticoronavirus activities temporarily reside.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, referring to the heads of medical institutions and heads of state administrations, recalled that despite the complexity of the situation caused by the pandemic, the republic continues to implement a program to update the health system infrastructure with funds from the Capital Investment Fund. The President called on the interlocutors for composure and responsibility, emphasizing that the coronavirus test does not remove other social obligations from the state. No sphere should be left without due attention, the President aimed.


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