The President held meeting of the Operational Headquarters

04/15/20 13:52

The President held meeting of the Operational Headquarters

The activities of the country's leadership are focused on solving problems associated with minimizing the spread of coronavirus. The frequency of meetings of the Presidential Operational Headquarters depends on circumstances and developments. Monitoring system, prompt response, flexibility in decision-making and their clear and reasonable implementation by each official and ordinary citizens involved in the fight against the pandemic - only by working in this format will it be possible to get out of the situation with the least losses, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky, opening the next meeting of Operational Headquarters. At the time of its holding, 164 cases of COVID-19 infection were registered among residents of the republic. Nine of those infected died. Each of them had serious concomitant diseases. So far, a single case of recovery has been recorded. Several people who entered the Slobodzeya coronavirus hospital in the first wave of the spread of coronavirus are awaiting the results of study of repeated samples.

They will again conduct universal disinfection of the entrances of residential buildings and public places for prevention. Responsibility for this task is with the Heads of state administrations. There is an agreement on the supply of 500 liters of concentrated disinfectant solution to Pridnestrovie, which is necessary to ensure the sanitary treatment of medical facilities in the republic. A sufficient number of tests were purchased - both for in-depth research and the express version. Today, the delivery of the first part of the components of a computer tomograph for the Slobodzeya hospital is expected. In total, three stages of delivery and installation are planned. The launch of new equipment is scheduled for early next week. The long-awaited filters necessary for launching a laboratory for the study of biomaterial of potential carriers of COVID-19 arrived in the republic. There will be several technical runs with the participation of specialized specialists from a neighboring state. Pridnestrovian laboratory, established at the Center for the Fight against AIDS and Infectious Diseases, is designed to process 60 samples per day, the President was informed.

Another significant acquisition for the republican healthcare is 720 respirators. Deficiency of this type of protection was observed in almost all medical facilities. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed gratitude for the assistance in solving this problem to the Heads of state administrations. An additional number of respirators from abroad is expected.

Sewing of protective masks and overalls for medical staff continues. The President was informed that the team of the main manufacturer, the Tirotex factory, left the production process: the enterprise was quarantined due to a case of COVID-19 detected among employees. The main load for the manufacture of protective clothing is for Odema.

As for local hospitals for sick or suspected of infection citizens, they are universally prepared to receive patients. By decision of the President, from tomorrow the placement will be carried out according to the territorial principle. In addition to the Slobodzeya hospital 1880 beds are prepared in the cities and regions of the republic.

They spoke at the meeting about the staffing of existing and newly created medical facilities, about the catering of doctors working and living in isolation, about co-payments for working in COVID-19 conditions and the mechanism for determining the subjects of compensation payments to citizens infected with coronavirus during the performance of official duties. They discussed the topic of providing material assistance to citizens of a number of privileged categories. Current legislation provides for the provision of food packages as support. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that this should not be delayed. Considering that the formation and delivery of packages of essential goods takes time, it is proposed to consider the issue of crediting funds to the cards of recipients of this type of assistance, the use of which will be limited to the acquisition of a specific list of socially significant goods. The President instructed to promptly study this proposal and report on the mechanism.

As a preventive measure, designed to prevent an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections among residents of the republic who are in conditions of home quarantine, it was decided to extend the heating season until April 26.

Workshops with members of the Operations Staff will continue today.


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