Operational Headquarters under control of the President

03/25/20 14:55

Operational Headquarters under control of the President

Representatives of the Operational Headquarters for Prevention of the Spread of the Virus gathered again at the presidential executive office, exchanged relevant information and discussed current issues. As of this morning, the number of people in the Slobodzeya coronavirus hospital is 30 people. The presence of COVID-19 was confirmed for six Pridnestrovians receiving treatment in conditions of complete isolation. Nine citizens are waiting for the results of laboratory tests. The hospital in Slobodzeya was initially prepared for admission, if necessary, 200 citizens. At the moment, another hundred beds have been prepared.

Among the issues raised at the meeting is the provision of the republic with tests to determine whether citizens have coronavirus. Delivery of 5 000 units is expected from Russia. These tests will be sent directly to the specialized Chisinau center, but they will be used targeted - for the study of Pridnestrovian samples. The president considers expedient the acquisition of rapid tests - according to experts, less accurate, but more accessible. In case of mass spread of the virus, the use will promptly identify citizens with the highest probability of COVID-19. Their samples will be sent as a priority to Chisinau.

During the working discussion, the President returned to the issue of protection against infection of medical staff. Health care facilities are provided with everything necessary. The only question is the consciousness of the employees. The President requires strict compliance with the requirement for the use of protective clothing in the emergency wards, as well as in contact with patients who have signs of acute respiratory viral infections.

Another aspect that Vadim Krasnoselsky paid attention to is pricing policy. Overpricing and other speculative actions in the state of emergency will be punished in the strictest order, the President emphasized, instructing the Ministry of Internal Affairs to tighten control in this direction. At the same time, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, the state is taking measures to support fair business that has suffered from introduction of restrictions related to preventing the spread of coronavirus. The Chairman of the Government Alexander Martynov spoke in more detail about Government proposals in this regard. Among socially significant initiatives is the provision of enterprises in forced downtime with loans to finance cash gaps. Loans with a minimum interest rate can be used to pay salaries and pay utility bills. Another proposal is the exemption of such enterprises from unified social tax and their employees from income tax. It is proposed that individual entrepreneurs temporarily not working due to quarantine recount the cost of a patent. In addition, the Government sees it as correct to suspend a series of verification activities, as well as to grant a deferment in tax and utility payments. New realities have revealed the need to introduce the concept of "remote work" into the legal environment.

Proposals are being worked out. By Friday, it is planned to submit a comprehensive law-in-draft.


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