Legislators support the President’s decision to impose state of emergency in Pridnestrovie

03/18/20 13:43

Legislators support the President’s decision to impose state of emergency in Pridnestrovie

On March 16, Vadim Krasnoselsky signed a decree introducing special legal regime in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic - state of emergency. The PMR Constitution requires discussion of this decision at the Parliament. Legislators are required to express their opinion no later than 48 hours after the promulgation of the presidential decree. Today, the PMR Supreme Council held an extraordinary plenary meeting in this regard. The only issue on the agenda is the approval of the Decree of the PMR President No. 98 dated March 16, 2020 with the amendments made on March 17. The President presented the document personally. His speech was preceded by the reports of the PMR Minister of Internal Affairs Ruslan Mova, who heads the Operational Headquarters to Combat the spread of the coronavirus, and the PMR Minister of Health Alexei Tsurcan.

The Minister of Health announced from the parliamentary tribune the data on the situation with the spread of COVID-19 in the world. According to him, the coronovirus is registered in 154 countries (regions). The number of cases exceeded 198 thousand people, deaths - almost eight thousand, recovered - nearly 82 thousand. The largest number of infected among residents of China, Italy, Iran, Spain and Germany (this country literally last night was ahead of South Korea in terms of the number of infected people). Among the “leaders” of the tragic statistics associated with human losses due to the coronavirus, France was included. The speaker stated the outbreak spread migrated from Asia to Europe. He also talked about the state of affairs in the countries neighboring Pridnestrovie. Among Ukrainians, seven cases of infection were confirmed yesterday, one lethal outcome of the disease with coronavirus was registered, and indicators have doubled by this morning. 30 cases of infection were recorded in Moldova, one cured and one dead.

Alexei Tsurcan spoke about the measures taken by neighbors to prevent the spread of infection, emphasizing that, unlike them, Pridnestrovie acted in advance and warning in this context. The first restrictive step taken at the end of January, and the subsequent decisions are made as the situation develops, make it possible to restrain the infectious onslaught: no cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in Pridnestrovie. Samples of five Pridnestrovians are in Chisinau for laboratory testing. The speaker described in detail the current state of affairs and projected the development of the situation if quarantine measures were ignored. The minister said that in Moldova, due to the untimely introduction of restrictions, the spread of infection within the country is increasing. The Minister of Health called on deputies of the Supreme Council to support the President’s decision to impose state of emergency in the republic and all restrictive measures provided for in the document. A similar report was made by the PMR Interior Minister. Ruslan Mova informed the legislators about the activities of the Operational Headquarters and the preventive and preventive actions being carried out in the republic, which include the decision of the President on the introduction of state of emergency.

Speakers answered numerous questions of parliamentarians. During the discussion part of the plenary session, it was said that the PMR Ministry of Health sends tests to determine the presence of coronavirus infection to Chisinau. There were no refusals from the specialized Moldavian center to conduct research. The issue of additional protection and material incentives for medical workers was discussed. They asked about progress in the manufacture of protective equipment by Pridnestrovian forces. Sewing enterprises have begun sewing reusable masks. Together, the Tirotex, Odema and Vestra factories are capable of producing up to 80 000 pcs per day. The main manufacturer - Tirotex - works in 4 shifts. In this regard, the question has arisen about the delivery of employees to the place of work (public transport runs only in the morning and evening hours). Ruslan Mova replied that a solution would be found, most likely, factory special routes would be launched. Vadim Krasnoselsky in this context drew attention to the flexibility of the Operational Headquarters. Management inertia in the face of constantly changing realities and the lack of experience in confronting a pandemic is unacceptable, the President emphasized. Returning to the issue of sewing fabric masks, Vadim Krasnoselsky set the task to work out the possibility of producing other means of protection inside the republic, for example, anti-plague overall (there is no reason to rely on their mass supply from abroad in the pandemic).

Deputies asked clarifying questions about the procedure for crossing the border in the state of emergency, the rules for the functioning of enterprises in the sphere of trade and services, and the availability of medical personnel.

The President in his speech focused on the fact that the state of emergency was introduced for 19 days. It is possible that it will be extended, which will require the signing of a new presidential decree and its parliamentary discussion. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that he had taken this path purposefully so that, if necessary, the extension of the special legal regime would meet again, discuss intermediate results, achievements and, possibly, mistakes. The President also said that the allegedly premature criticism by many Pridnestrovian authorities for restrictive measures, which was criticized by many, proved its worth and effectiveness.

The President considers that the closure of borders and the practice of isolating citizens suspected of coronavirus and their environment are justified. The President also spoke about work aimed at ensuring food security, emphasizing that grain reserves would be enough for the republic to provide the population with bread for two years.

Vadim Krasnoselsky paid attention and support to economic entities, whose activities are negatively affected by the introduction of state of emergency in the republic. The task was set to immediately create a commission that will work out a set of appropriate measures. Proposals in this regard are already being received by the President.

Another topic addressed by the President is the functioning of cult objects. The President voiced the opinion supported by the Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa that it is advisable to conduct church services in the courtyards of churches and subject to quarantine standards. Another protective measure is to minimize, and if possible, completely eliminate contact between parishioners and church utensils.

Addressing the employees of state power and administration bodies, the President aimed them at 100% fulfillment of official duties, moreover, not only related to confronting the virus.

The final was the appeal of the President to lawmakers with a proposal to support the decision to impose state of emergency on the territory of Pridnestrovie - until April 5. The relevant parliamentary committee recommended colleagues in the deputy corps to vote for the adoption of the relevant resolution. The document was adopted by a majority vote.


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