The PMR President held a meeting on the issue of prevention of the spread of coronavirus in Pridnestrovie

03/10/20 15:18

The PMR President held a meeting on the issue of prevention of the spread of coronavirus in Pridnestrovie

The President gathered at his office the heads of ministries and departments involved in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 on the territory of Pridnestrovie. The Minister of the Interior Ruslan Mova reported on the activities of the Operational Headquarters created by the PMR President. He noted that in addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education were involved. An action plan was approved by joint order, a list of hospital bases, instructions for taking measures in case of detection of signs of coronavirus in citizens, an algorithm for examining patients, and preliminary recommendations for preventing the spread of infection. The mechanism has been tested. This is the case of the return to the republic of an athlete who was at training camp in Italy, who, upon arrival at home, felt unwell. The patient was hospitalized. The samples for coronavirus infection were promptly sent to Chisinau. The research results were negative. In parallel, work was carried out with the environment of this citizen. Despite the fact that the area of ​​her contacts turned out to be quite extensive, all who interacted with her after returning from abroad were examined. To date, quarantine measures on this occasion have been discontinued.

Another disturbing fact for Pridnestrovians is the arrival of a citizen from Italy on March 7 from Italy, who has laboratory-confirmed the presence of the COVID-19 virus. There were several residents of Pridnestrovie in the plane together with her. The appropriate structures of the PMR quickly determined their location on board: all Pridnestrovians were far from the diseased. None of them had signs of coronavirus disease. Nevertheless, they are all under the supervision of specialists: several times a day they are visited by local doctors who monitor the health status of potential carriers of infection, the rooms are provided with bactericidal lamps, Ruslan Mova informed the meeting participants.

The speaker spoke about the meeting of representatives of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the PMR Ministry of the Foreign Affairs with representatives of the Moldovan Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization on March 6 in Chisinau. Participants in the international discussion routinely discussed joint measures to counter the spread of infection. The Pridnestrovian side appealed for help in providing the necessary means of protection. Practical recommendations of those who successfully apply various preventive and barrier mechanisms are also important.

The PMR Minister of Health Alexei Tsurkan, in turn, said that a seminar for specialists was planned for the near future. Protective clothing is being procured. Work is underway to acquire non-contact thermometers. A legal framework has been developed for the case of quarantine declarations. Restrictive norms (for example, the ban on holding mass events in enclosed spaces) will take effect at the first clinically confirmed case of coronavirus.

It was noted during the workshop that Easter holidays were approaching, which are traditionally attended by residents of the republic who are outside its borders, as well as numerous guests, including from abroad. In this regard, the Operational Headquarters was entrusted with maximizing control. The restriction of the regime for crossing the Pridnestrovian border by citizens arriving from states in which cases of COVID-19 are recorded is still in place. In addition, Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to install a special regime for the functioning of all border posts. The employees should be provided with protective equipment, and premises for paperwork - equipment for disinfection. A strict ban is imposed on visiting citizens in medical facilities designated for quarantine activities. The control of execution is entrusted to employees of the prosecutor's office. The Ministry of the Interior has been instructed to verify the facts of overpricing of the means of protection, which the citizens of the republic signal. The President emphasized that speculation in trouble is unacceptable and, if identified, violators should be held accountable, even criminal.


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