The President took part in the Plenum of the PMR Arbitration Court

02/13/20 13:58

The President took part in the Plenum of the PMR Arbitration Court

Today's Plenum of the Arbitration Court of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is devoted to summing up the results of 2019. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky, representatives of the Government, the judiciary, ministries, departments, and relevant public services took part in the Plenum. The report was voiced by the Chairman of the PMR Arbitration Court Alexander Kiyko. According to him, 902 applications were received by the Arbitration Court in 2019 (+ 2.6% compared to 2018). 702 cases were considered. 553 of them are fully satisfied, 26 - partially. The Chairman noted that a number of refusals to accept the application increased, as well as the proportion of those returned in the reporting period.

Alexander Kiyko focused not only on quantitative, but also on qualitative indicators of the court’s activity, reporting 176 cassation complaints against decisions and rulings made by the court of first instance (less than 20% of the total). This figure was significantly higher in 2018. It is important that in almost 80% of cases the judicial act was left unchanged.

Speaking about the workload, Alexander Kiyko informed that it amounted to 11 cases for judges of the first instance and 8 for judges of the cassation instance. At the same time, the Chairman emphasized that during the reporting period there were no facts of violation of the two-month deadline for considering cases established by law.

The speaker paid attention to the participation of the PMR Arbitration Court in lawmaking. He spoke about the developed initiatives designed to improve the existing standards in the areas related to the arbitration procedure. Over the past year, the arbitral tribunal participated in the development of four legislative initiatives, three of which were adopted. The President also spoke about the legislative activities of the Arbitration Court.

The President instructed the PMR Prosecutor's Office to consider the judicial practice of the Arbitration Court in 2019 regarding the decisions taken on disputes initiated by entrepreneurs. According to the speaker, there were 47 such disputes in the reporting period. 10 of them were fully satisfied, 10 partially, and 27 were not satisfied.

Summing up the meeting, the President satisfactorily assessed the work of the Arbitration Court in 2019. An important indicator of the professionalism of the judicial community, according to Vadim Krasnoselsky, is the fact that over the past year, the President did not receive any complaints from businessmen related to the activity or decisions made by judges. The President aimed the participants of the plenary session to maximize assistance and support to Pridnestrovian businessmen, urged judges not to strive for performance and to be not only arbitrators for entrepreneurs, but within the framework of the law, to defend their interests.


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