The results of activity of the Rybnitsa administration: key indicators

02/11/20 18:00

The results of activity of the Rybnitsa administration: key indicators

The President heard reporting information on the results of last year, presented by Viktor Tyagay. He has been the head of the State Administration of Rybnitsa district and Rybnitsa since July 2019.

According to the statistics announced by the Head, the population of the district exceeds 67 thousand people. Two thirds are urban residents. During the year, 488 people were born. Mortality is still significantly higher than the birth rate. There are positive changes in the sphere of registration of acts of civil status: 252 divorces and 338 marriages. According to the results of the year, the migration increase is 70 people. The revenue amounted to 228.2 million rubles (the plan is fully implemented). 77% - own revenues of the town and district budget, 14% - subsidies from the state treasury aimed at the development of the road industry, 9% - funds from trust funds. Costs amounted to 242.4 million rubles. Almost 92% is aimed at financing socially protected articles. The region spent 160 million rubles on public sector wages, the average monthly size of which increased by 11% compared to 2018. There is an increase in the extrabudgetary sector: salary growth was 6%.

The volume of production in the reporting period decreased by 27%. The difficult situation with the main taxpayer - MMZ, had a negative impact. The plant produces 82% of all industrial products in the district. About six dozens of legal entities and 568 peasant farms involved in crop production were involved in the agricultural sector, as well as 10 legal entities and one and a half dozen peasant farms working in the livestock sector. The number of individual entrepreneurs increased by almost three hundred units (data is for the end of the year - 3614 registered patenters).

During the report, the Head of the Rybnitsa administration spoke in detail about the implementation of targeted programs. 11.3 million rubles is allocated for the implementation. The funds were used to improve the technical condition of the objects of the socio-cultural sphere, housing stock, administrative buildings, Victor Tyagay reported. According to him, about seven hundred thousand were spent on bringing the village council building of Broshtyany into proper condition (overhaul program). A similar amount was allocated under the capital investment program for the gasification of the premises of this and two village councils (Zhura and Yerzhovo), as well as for the construction of a shade canopy in the kindergarten of the village of Krasnenkoye and the renovation of harvesting equipment. 8.65 million allocated under the program for the maintenance of the housing stock, social infrastructure and landscaping facilities were spent on roof repairs, replacement of fire water pipelines of multi-storey buildings, repair of Culture houses, racetracks of the city stadium, fountain in the central park. Almost a million more was allocated for improvement of the district under the program of mandates of voters, the Head of Rybnitsa informed the President. Information on environmental activities was also announced. The size of the corresponding fund is 3.6 million rubles. With this money, the reorganization of reservoirs was carried out, work on creating a park zone on the Dniester city embankment and landscaping the district as a whole, more than twenty public wells were cleaned, and dozens of unauthorized dumps of solid household waste were eliminated. Last year, two garbage trucks were purchased, 37 new were installed and 160 existing containers for the collection of municipal solid waste were repaired. Vadim Krasnoselsky invited the leadership of the district to pay attention to the experience of the capital in this area. Speaking about landscaping and solving environmental problems in urban areas, especially in the industrial zone, the President outlined the feasibility of acquiring a water-jetting machine, necessary for the maintenance of the roadbed and green spaces. According to the participants of the meeting, it would be right to attract large manufacturing enterprises to finance the purchase of cleaning equipment, as well as to repair the roadbed in the industrial sector of the city, which have a negative impact on the condition of roads.

Reporting on the situation in the road industry of the district as a whole, the Head of the local administration noted that the state of the main part of the roads was assessed as satisfactory. Almost a hundred thousand square meters of canvas of municipal and republican roads were repaired. It was about street lighting. According to the Head, 10 kilometers of power lines in 2019 were built, 350 street lamps were installed. Road equipment was updated. There are seven parking areas. In addition, in 2019, territories adjacent to 11 educational institutions were put in order. At the expense of the Republican Investment Fund in the district, three schools were repaired, 4 playgrounds and sports grounds were equipped.

Speaking about social policy, Viktor Tyagay spoke about the practice of providing budget loans to young families, providing temporary housing for orphans, as well as the acquisition of eight apartments for this category of citizens.

The Head of the district administration outlined the achievements of Rybnitsa residents in the educational, cultural and sports fields. He recalled the opening of the bunker, timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Rybnitsa from the Nazi invaders, as well as a memorial plaque to the Hero of the Soviet Union from Rybnitsa Viktor Vakharlovsky (the event was held in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Iasi-Chisinau operation).

The Head of Rybnitsa district focused on working with citizens, saying that in the reporting period 326 people visited the administration and considered and satisfied 155 requests from residents of the district who were in difficult situations about providing financial assistance.

Concluding the working discussion based on the report of the Head of Rybnitsa, Vadim Krasnoselsky praised the activities of the state administration in 2019. He urged the leadership of the district not to slow down and continue to consolidate work to improve the welfare of the residents of Rybnitsa.


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