The President held video conference with Heads of state administrations

12/23/19 12:21

The President held video conference with Heads of state administrations

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In the course of the meeting of the President with Heads of state administrations, held in a video conference format, the interlocutors discussed the situation in the cities and regions of the republic, outlined work plans for the near future. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the implementation of the tasks set earlier and gave a number of current assignments. He drew the attention of the Heads to the need to put in order the territories adjacent to the buildings of institutions, commercial organizations, residential buildings. The President named specific addresses in various cities of the republic, at which objects are located, which are an example of mismanagement and untidiness. He urged local leaders to pay attention to such facts, noting that the overall impression of the village is made up of little things.

Discussing infrastructure shifts, meeting participants spoke about central parks. The second entrance - from the Green Market should be constructed in the capital's Catherine Park. The arch will be made in the same style as from the embankment, but should be much smaller, said the President. It was a question of improving public transport stops. The President has already submitted a draft design of stopping points, which will become part of the overall park concept. Vadim Krasnoselsky was also interested in the Victory park of culture and recreation in Tiraspol: he asked when the city would begin to renew it. According to the Head of the capital Oleg Dovgopol, next year it is necessary to complete work in the Catherine and South parks, as well as arrange an entry group from Bendery. Only then they will begin to improve the Victory park. Taking into consideration the scale of the facility, the possibility of implementing plans will appear closer to 2021.

They talked about the central park with the Head of the Kamenka district. Vadim Krasnoselsky urged not to delay the start of work in the park named after Prince Wittgenstein, noting that 3 million rubles were allocated for this object from the Capital Investment Fund of 2020.

Central recreation areas and mass events is extremely important for the organization of cultural leisure of the population, the President is sure. He mentioned the season of the New Year celebration that took place last weekend, noting the good level of organization and the active participation of the population.

The preparations for the upcoming New Year holidays and the maintenance of new recreational infrastructure facilities will be discussed at tomorrow's meeting, which will be held at the presidential executive office. The agenda also includes issues related to the organization of public procurement and development of an optimal mechanism for financing and acquisition of special equipment for the collection and removal of solid waste. Vadim Krasnoselsky called on the interlocutors to raise issues that were not on the official agenda, but that needed discussion.


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