The PMR President discussed the situation in the region, in the republic and abroad with the Grigoriopol administration, deputies, and representatives of the public

12/06/19 17:51

The PMR President discussed the situation in the region, in the republic and abroad with the Grigoriopol administration, deputies, and representatives of the public

The meeting of the President with core groups of Grigoriopol and nearby villages is planned. It is included in the program of the visit of the President to the region. The communication initiated by Vadim Krasnoselsky was organized at the state administration. Approximately a hundred leaders of various levels, as well as representatives of the legislative branch of power, gathered in the hall. During a two-hour conversation, problems were raised that residents of certain settlements faced (in the village of Krasnaya Gorka, for example, there is no dental office), as well as issues that concern every Pridnestrovian regarding the transit of Russian gas, the condition of rural roads, some nuances of taxation, tariffing, Russian citizenship for Pridnestrovians, quality and accessibility of medical services. Particular emphasis is placed on the state of rural medicine. They talked about the fact that many services and drugs provided free of charge to the townspeople are not available to villagers. At the same time, turning to city medical institutions, they are forced to pay for them, as nonresident. The President noted that this approach was indeed unfair and assured that the issue would be raised at the next meeting on health.

Speaking about medicine as a whole, Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on reforming the industry, noting that the system has long been in need of adjustments and the infrastructure in need of updating. The President spoke about measures taken at the state level to rectify the situation, giving specific examples and figures, figures indicate human lives. During the meeting, they spoke about training and tools used to secure specialists in the republic, especially in rural areas. An important aspect is the availability of housing. Its construction for public sector employees is a state-level program. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about its implementation and future plans. It was a question of dual education, the need for which is ripe in connection with the intensification of activities to create new jobs. The real sector of the Pridnestrovian economy needs specialists. The villagers want to get applied education. But they do not always have such an opportunity, they said at the meeting. The dual education system, aimed at quickly obtaining a working specialty, is designed to solve this problem. Many enterprises of the republic are already involved in the new system - they create the conditions for specialized training with the maximum emphasis in practice.

Additional working hands are needed in the field of improvement, it was noted during the discussion. In connection with the creation of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing park zones, this problem to one degree or another applies to all cities and regions of the republic. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized: this issue is under control and is the subject of discussion at meetings with heads of state administrations and heads of relevant ministries and departments.

The President was asked about what steps the leadership of the republic is taking to reduce negative migration? Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the domestic policy of the republic, all the measures that are taken for the comfortable living of Pridnestrovians in their homeland, are aimed at creating conditions under which citizens do not have the need and desire to leave the republic. The President emphasized that today the level of outflow of Pridnestrovians abroad is relatively low. Moreover, many residents from neighboring Ukraine and Moldova come to Pridnestrovie for permanent residence, Vadim Krasnoselsky added.

The interlocutors spoke about the upcoming New Year holidays. Various opinions sounded about their main attribute - a Christmas tree. Many believe that it is advisable to install an artificial tree in the city center. Its value is great. According to the Head of the district, an expensive purchase is planned for next year.

Concluding the conversation, the President noted that the leadership’s interest in the development of cities and villages and the consolidated work of representatives of all branches of Government and the public are the key to the dynamic development of the region.


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