The President launched sport future of the Gorky Park in Bendery

11/28/19 17:05

The President launched sport future of the Gorky Park in Bendery

Opening of a new mini-soccer field took place in the Park named after M. Gorky in Bendery. The PMR President, leadership, residents and guests of the city took part in the ceremony. Welcoming the participants of the event, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the importance of developing sports infrastructure, expressing gratitude to everyone who makes efforts and invests in the creation of this and similar facilities. According to the President, similar venues for clarifying sports relations between football players will be opened in the next few days in two other microdistricts of the city - Shelkovy and Borisovka.

It was said in the course of the ceremony that sports, physical education and an active lifestyle are becoming accessible to all segments of the population. Over the past years, the republic's leadership has been paying increased attention to the development of this area. Gyms, sports and recreational and leisure sports complexes, playgrounds are built, repaired and equipped throughout the republic. Active participation in the creation of a modern sports infrastructure is taken not only by the state and local authorities, but also by domestic investors - representatives of enterprises and organizations of the republic. Participants in today's event called investing in the development of mass sports investments in the future. The impetus to this work was given by the launch of the state program of the Capital Investment Fund. Thanks to its implementation, the stadium has been restored in Bendery, and in the near future, after years of inactivity, the city pool will resume operation. The oldest park of Bendery - a favorite vacation spot of citizens - now becomes a sports center. In the future, for the convenience of sports and outdoor enthusiasts, it is planned to equip locker rooms and showers here. In addition, the plans include the creation of a volleyball court near the mini-soccer field, the installation of tennis table and improvement of the children's play area.

The opening of the first friendly game was timed to coincide with today's opening of the sports ground. The combined team of the Bendery state administration and the City Council competed with representatives of the Tighina football club. The start of the football match was given by the PMR President. Later, the senior comrades will be replaced by teams of the cadet corps and the theoretical lyceum - finalists of the Leather Ball tournament, the resumption of which in Pridnestrovie was initiated by the President.


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