Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces Vadim Krasnoselsky observed the martial arts festival

10/26/19 16:52

Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces Vadim Krasnoselsky observed the martial arts festival

The Republican stadium today hosts a martial arts festival. The event was timed to the Day of special units of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The official opening of the festival preceded the finals of the open tournament of the Tiraspol Suvorov Military School in throwing.

The Republican Open Martial Arts Festival in the presented format is held for the first time. Fundamental is not a competitive, but an educational essence. 17 participating teams representing sports clubs, federations and associations, cultural and leisure centers, educational institutions, special units of the ministries of the power block were involved. Their task is to tell about the presented form of martial arts, to show oneself in action, to captivate the audience. The program includes demonstrations, competitions, master classes. At the same time, demonstrations of various techniques, skills, abilities, physical and moral-volitional qualities inherent to representatives of specific areas, types, styles of martial arts and applied combat systems, guests were told about the specifics, history, achievements, as well as educational institutions in which you can join the martial art. The main goal of the event is the development and popularization of certain types of martial arts, as well as sports and a healthy lifestyle in general.

Welcoming the participants and guests of the festival, the Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that the holding of events of a competitive and demonstration nature, popularizing various sports and martial arts, is systemic in Pridnestrovie. This is due to the correct assessment of the importance of physical culture and sports in society, the President said. It is important, according to Vadim Krasnoselsky, that in the same sports system the representatives of the ministries and departments of the power block are pupils of educational institutions - cadets, pupils of Suvorov military school.  

The President drew attention to the fact that in the republic lately increased attention has been paid to familiarizing citizens with a healthy lifestyle and physical culture, the sports infrastructure is being actively updated, the proper look and equipment of the existing sports base is being equipped, and new facilities are being opened. Vadim Krasnoselsky, expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the Open Martial Arts Festival.




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