Life goes on: honoring the memory of the defenders who were killed 27 years ago, the President arrived at the Bendery maternity hospital to congratulate the mothers of the newborn Pridnestrovians

06/19/19 13:07

Life goes on: honoring the memory of the defenders who were killed 27 years ago, the President arrived at the Bendery maternity hospital to congratulate the mothers of the newborn Pridnestrovians

Long-standing tradition is the visit on June 19 by the leadership of the republic and the city of to Bendery maternity hospital. The President with his wife, the leaders of the PMR Government and the Supreme Council, as well as the Head of the city’s state administration come to the medical facility where young Pridnestrovians come into the world to be the first to congratulate young mothers. Gifts are obligatory components of the visit. Everyone brings their own. The innovation of this year was the presentation of flowers, memorable and valuable gifts to mothers of newborns, born not only on June 19, but on June 18 and 17. Six babies were born during these days - four girls and two boys. Among them there are new residents of Bendery, new residents of the villages of Parkany, Vladimirovka, Giska, and Blizhny Hutor. Young mothers of three of today's birthday persons are still in the intensive care unit, so they will accept congratulations in absentia.

The President and his wife wished health to the children and their happy mothers, to further replenish their families, to increase the well-being and peace of the Pridnestrovian land. The Bendery maternity hospital is native for them. Three children of the Krasnoselsky couple were born here. The President and his wife Svetlana Krasnoselskaya respected the staff of the medical institution with respect, noting the high professionalism of the medical staff and expressing deep gratitude for their noble work.



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