Meeting of the President with the staff was held at the Ministry of Finance

05/30/19 16:28

Meeting of the President with the staff was held at the Ministry of Finance

Almost one and a half hundred employees of various departments of the PMR Ministry of Finance arrived in the capital from cities and districts of the republic in order to communicate with the President. Opening the discussion event, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized the importance of direct dialogue with the public. According to him, following the results of all the planned meetings, he expects to form a general idea of ​​the mood in the teams, to identify the most acute problems and frequently raised questions. Accumulated and analyzed opinions, ideas, suggestions of the interlocutors will subsequently form the basis for decisions and further actions taken by state bodies, according to the President.

In the course of today's meeting with the financiers they talked about economy. It was about the desire of Pridnestrovie to balance exports in the European and Eurasian areas (while trade and economic contacts with European countries prevail - 37% of export operations). Demographic situation in the country was discussed. Vadim Krasnoselsky reported that, considering informational reports daily, he pays attention to the birth and death rates, as well as a number of registered and dissolved marriages. The President considers family preservation an important factor in the issue of improving demography and also obtaining of work and housing. The interlocutors discussed measures taken by the state to increase a number of jobs and solve the housing problem. They also spoke about changes in the educational sphere, aimed at young people getting applied specialties and fixing them in the republic. The President drew attention to the fact that 92% of graduates of PSU this year are already employed. The discussion was developed on the theme of the development of experience by young professionals. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that government structures, like employers, as opposed to commercial ones, are not so fundamental in requiring that a potential employee have professional experience. The President considers this position to be correct. According to him, the modern view, creative approach and the desire for self-improvement, typical of young people, can be much more effective than many years of practice. Vadim Krasnoselsky repeatedly recommended heads of ministries, departments, services, organizations and enterprises to attend final exams of higher and secondary special educational institutions. This site is a great opportunity to find young and promising specialists, the President is sure. Finance Minister Tatyana Kirova, in turn, noted that the staff of the Ministry of Finance is constantly replenished with young personnel from among the graduates of Pridnestrovian State University.

They talked about creating more comfortable working conditions. Employees of the tax service gratefully noted the increase in wages and improved logistics. In this case, location remains the problem. Tax specialists from Bendery, for example, work in unsuitable for reception of citizens of the premises located on two floors of the building of the former hostel. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that he is familiar with the situation. Moreover, various solutions to the problem were discussed with the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. The possibilities of several buildings have been studied. Capacity and location was evaluated. The President emphasized that logistics is extremely important and not only of tax service employees, but also a significant number of visitors. The initiators of the move are counting on the placement of several socially significant services and departments in one building.

Ecology, support for the disabled, Russian citizenship, military service, advanced training, likelihood of increasing the retirement age, improvement of the republic’s settlements, prospects for resolving the issue of issuing a neutral sample of Pridnestrovian driving license are among the raised topics during today's meeting. There were questions that allowed the staff of the Ministry to learn more about Vadim Krasnoselsky as a person. They asked, for example, about the places that are dear to him. “My favorite place is where my family is”, the Head of State replied. The President said that Pridnestrovie is great Motherland for him. He was born far from the banks of the Dniester, but here he found family and real home. To make the republic more beautiful and the life of inhabitants more comfortable is the task that the PMR President puts before himself and before every Pridnestrovian.


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