05/29/19 17:47


The City Council suggests using corresponding to historical realities term «Pridnestrovie» supported by the pridnestrovian people

The praesidium of the Bendery City Council of People's Deputies prepared the address to the UN Secretary General about the inadmissibility of the term «Transnistria». The document contains a request to use corresponding to historical realities term «Pridnestrovie» supported by the pridnestrovian people.

The text of the address is published on the official site of Bendery City Council. Tomorrow, on May 30, the document will be considered by the representative assembly deputies.

In the document it is noted that throughout almost thirty years' existence the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic convincingly proves to the international community the right for independent development as the sovereign democratic country having all necessary attributes of statehood and also prerequisites for wide international recognition.

«Pridnestrovie is the country open both for official foreign delegations, and for tourists. All of them can easily convince in peaceful and free life of the pridnestrovians», - it is said in the address.

In the document it is also noted that now for the name of the Pridnestrovian state two equivalent terms are used: «Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic» and Pridnestrovie.

At the same time, English-speaking countries use the name «Transnistria» literally meaning Zadnestrovie. According to the Presidium of the Bendery City Council of People's Deputies and Bendery residents, it is incorrect.

«The analysis of the historical events allows drawing a conclusion that broad application of the term «Transnistria» begins in the period 1941-1944. Then on the basis of Decree No.1 of August 19, 1941 «About the creation of civil authorities Transnistria», signed by the Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu, the territory between the Dniester and the Bug passed under the administration of Romania. Subsequently, Antonescu's Decree No.4 of October 17, 1941, named Odessa a part of Transnistria governorship and its capital. Only in the spring of 1944, the territory between the Dniester and the Bug occupied by the German and Romanian troops was freed», - it is told in the text of the address.

It is emphasized that all history of the existence of Transnistria was noted by a set of brutal crimes of Romanian and German troops. In particular, discrimination on ethnic sign against Jews was widespread, it was a common practice of their deportation in Transnistria from other territories with the subsequent physical elimination. Ill fame was gained by tragic events in Dubossary when in September 1941 tens of thousands of Jews were shot here.

Along with the specified criminal acts the German and Romanian troops destroyed civilians of the controlled areas in large quantities. By different estimates, hundreds of thousands of people became victims of the retaliatory mode set in Transnistria.

«Thus, application in relation to Pridnestrovie of the name «Transnistria» is absolutely unacceptable and offensive in a historical context marked by dark times of fascist occupation and attempts of physical extermination of the people living in Pridnestrovie. So the Presidium of the Bendery City Council of People's Deputies considers incorrect and inadmissible use of the given name in any language of the world for designation of the Pridnestrovian state and asks to use corresponding to historical realities term «Pridnestrovie» supported by the people of the PMR», - deputies focus attention.

On April 18 the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky claimed the term «Transnistria» to be unacceptable for Pridnestrovie as it arose during the fascist-romanian occupation for designation of Romanian «governorship» from which it was planned «to extort all resources». As the Head of the state emphasized, application of the term as the name of our country is inadmissibly and offensively.


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