Law-in-draft on state support for youth and young families was submitted to the President for consideration

05/27/19 18:29

Law-in-draft on state support for youth and young families was submitted to the President for consideration

Opening the working meeting with the leadership of the PMR Presidential Administration and the Government, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that, after analyzing the existing situation, the experts cite the lack of housing as the primary cause of the outflow of young people from the republic. It is extremely difficult for young people to buy or even temporarily rent an apartment without state support. The solution to this problem is the task stated in the Pridnestrovian Development Strategy. The first steps in this direction are already being implemented. More than six hundred apartments will be commissioned in the near future within the framework of the project on “revitalizing” the so-called unfinished projects. The square meters, as planned, are available for state employees. This is facilitated by pricing and access to concessional loans. The second direction is the purchase of housing in the secondary market. Thanks to this program, approximately 80 people will celebrate housewarming this year - Defenders of Pridnestrovie and orphans. The next stage will be the construction of residential buildings from scratch. The plans include creation of a new sleeping neighborhood in the center of the capital (the territory of the former plant named after Tkachenko). Thus, the problem of fixing Pridnestrovians in their homeland will be gradually solved. It is often difficult to find funds to purchase housing even at an affordable price for young people at the stage of professional development. They need start-up capital. The Government proposes to launch a subsidy mechanism - the provision of free and non-taxable financial support.

The law-in-draft, presented to the attention of the President today stipulates that it extends to young families and to young professionals - doctors, teachers, military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies and housing and utilities workers (representatives of those spheres where there is the most acute shortage of personnel). The main source of funding is the targeted budget fund for youth development of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which will be created through the redistribution of funds from the entrepreneurship support fund. Conditions for joining the program: both members of family in need of better housing conditions are public sector employees, one of whom is younger than 35 years old. The fact that there is no own housing for three years before applying for a subsidy is also taken into account. Another important aspect is the mandatory 10-year period of working, after which housing becomes the property of a public sector worker. Three-step gradation of the subsidy is proposed: 10 thousand conventional units for a childless family, 12 thousand - with one child, 14 thousand if there are two or more children in the family of budget employees. The law-in-draft spells out other details, for example, the consequences of termination of the contract, options for reducing the refund amount after a certain number of years, etc.

As for young professionals, they are provided for reimbursement of costs associated with the rental of housing. Such measure of support will be extended to workers who have been employed within three months after graduating from higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, having familiarized himself with the essence of the law-in-draft considered the initiative necessary and timely. Noting that a number of points require clarification, the President recommended to continue work on the document together with parliamentarians. Zero reading will allow polishing the proposed standards, the President considers. He expressed hope that the law will be adopted and will begin to act as early as this year.


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