05/17/19 20:09


Mereneshty, May 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In the improving complex «Dniesterovskie Zory» the republican youth forum «Tiras-2019» continues. Today there arrived personally the Head of the state Vadim Krasnoselsky. 

The President asked forumites on the organization of the meetings, conditions of life and the cultural program. Participants of the forum conducted a tour on the camp for the Head of the state, showed the main locations. Within communication activists of a meeting shared the impressions and knowledge acquired during the training.  

«Aspire, work, do not be self-pity, and, of course, you will achieve the result. And the most important result is recognition of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic», - Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed young people at the end of the meeting. 


The program of the forum second day was not less saturated than in the opening. Students could learn a lot at several discussion and educational platforms at once. The leading journalists of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel and Radio 1 in an available form told children about specifics of the mass media work. Communication was built in the form of dialogue: young people shared the opinion about modern television. The most active forumites could try the role of interviewer or respondent.

During the lecture with the Minister of Defence of the PMR much attention was paid to innovations in the army and to increase in the prestige of military service. Listeners, the majority of whom were military-age young people, could ask the head of the department their questions.  

Participants of a meeting also played volleyball, football, passed civil defence fit tests for several sports disciplines. 

Zakhar Stepanov – a teacher of the capital college of business and service – showed one of the best results in long jumps (2 m 35 cm). The forumite says that this meeting really united people: they visit sections with interest, participate in sports meets.  

«Look how many people there are on the sports ground. Stands with a weapon are also popular. It means that the youth is interested in the active lifestyle», - Stepanov added. 

In spite of the fact that it is the first forum, its participants note good organization. The program of a meeting is balanced, food and leisure are top-level.  

«It is the first forum, the organizers have some difficulties connected with hitches on sections operating time. But in general, we like the forum very much», - the chairman of the SPSU trade-union committee Inna Chursina told. 

Youth forum is in the heat. Further, there is a set of thematic lectures and meetings with interesting people. The closing ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 18. 


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