The Victory Banner was planted on the building of the State Drama and Comedy Theater named after Nadezhda Aronetskaya

04/12/19 15:03

The Victory Banner was planted on the building of the State Drama and Comedy Theater named after Nadezhda Aronetskaya

The victorious spring came to Tiraspol on April 12, 1944. Residents celebrate the Day of the liberation of the city from the German-Romanian invaders as one of the most important dates in the history of Tiraspol for 75 years. Today, the townspeople gathered at the Theater Square. Meeting was held here, during which they recalled the events of the war years. Words of thanks were addressed to the soldiers of the 3rd Ukrainian Front of the 37th Army. It was they who liberated the city, ridding it of fascist oppression. Low bow and immense respect to the veterans present at the memorable event. Addressing them, the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky noted: “It was you who defended Europe from Nazism and Fascism, you changed the world for the better, you are heroes!”

Congratulating compatriots - residents of the city, awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, the President spoke about 75 years ago events and that the true history and memory of the heroism of the Soviet Soldier were threatened with oblivion. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, “The Great Patriotic War changed the history of our great Motherland, the history of nations. It entered every home, every family, brought a lot of misery and suffering. There were underground organizations, activists of which, by their own lives by their feat tried to bring the Great Victory over fascism and Nazism during the long occupation of Tiraspol. Four thousand people died here during the years of occupation. April 12, 1944 - the second birthday of the city. There would not be this victorious day, there would be no further history, there would not be Pridnestrovie. There are other facts. Currently, the feat of the Soviet people is being questioned. In some states, monuments to Soviet soldiers are removed, graves are desecrated, trying to rehabilitate Nazism and Fascism. This is the tragedy of today. We can and must resist to this - our devotion to veterans, preservation of the memory of the heroes who fell for the Soviet homeland”.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova Oleg Vasnetsov addressed the audience. The diplomat arrived today in the capital of Pridnestrovie to share this festive day with the people of Tiraspol. Expressing gratitude to the veterans for their courage and loyalty to the Fatherland, Oleg Vasnetsov noted that the feat is an example for all of us, the younger generation. It will remain in our hearts, despite attempts to distort history, change facts, drown heroism in oblivion. Oleg Vasnetsov told that our task is to prevent this and make our descendants know what happened in the 1940s.

Among the people in Tiraspol there are five Heroes of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lebedev, Chairman of the Tiraspol Council of war, labor and Armed Forces veterans reminded the meeting participants. In his speech, he returned those who had gathered to the April days of 1944 that were historical to the city. The events that took place here at that time are described in archival documents, chronicles, history books and stories based on the recollections of the liberators of the city. Today the illustrations for the chronicle narrative came to life. Like 75 years ago, with a difference only in time (in 1944, after many hours of battle, the victorious point in the 970-day occupation was put up at 3 a.m.), a red flag was planted over the theater building - the same as it was in the hands of common soldier Mamayev. Actors of the theater of the young spectator "The Bluebird" and "The Theatrical lounge" drama group were in the role of the soldiers of the first rifle battalion and the company of machine gunners of the 595th rifle regiment. Fifty young people are involved in the production. At the end of the reconstruction of the battle - soldiers halt and musical numbers performed by artists of the ensemble "Vatra". And after that - mass march to the Memorial of Glory. The rally participants marched together from the Theater Square to the central square of the city to lay flowers on the graves of the defenders and the Eternal Flame, the flame of which symbolizes the fading memory of grateful descendants.

Having bowed to the dead, the PMR President communicated with those who today can still tell in the first person about the war years of the middle of the last century. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked veterans for defending the country during the war years and restoring it from the ruins, for giving birth to new generations of Pridnestrovians and raising them in the spirit of patriotism, love of country and respect for the past. The President invited interlocutors to meet in the near future at the Presidential Executive Office of the PMR.


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