The candidates for the post of the PMR Minister of Health and his deputies were presented to the President

03/18/19 15:39

The candidates for the post of the PMR Minister of Health and his deputies were presented to the President

The PMR Chairman of the Government Alexander Martynov presented the candidacy of the future Minister of Health during the meeting in the office of the President. According to the head of the executive branch, the current deputy chairman of the government Alexei Tsurcan will manage the functions and fulfillment of faced by the ministry tasks. Alexander Martynov recalled that Alexei Tsurcan had experience in the legislative apparatus, and while in the post of Deputy Chairman of the PMR Government, he oversaw the spheres of social orientation, including the health sector. Alexander Martynov noted that Alexei Alekseevich actively participated in the development and implementation of those programs that were launched by the Ministry of Health. This is the development of infrastructure projects and the adoption of practical measures in terms of incentives for staff, in particular, return of supplements to the health care system. Alexei Tsurcan led the work on the development strategy of the health system. It is supposed that Alexei Alekseevich is a worthy candidate for this post. He will be able to organize the work of the Ministry of Health in such a way that the Pridnestrovian health system develops only in a positive way, Alexander Martynov noted.

The President found the proposal reasonable and the submitted candidacy for the post of Minister of Health credible. Vadim Krasnoselsky, anticipating possible questions as to why the potential head of the department is not a professional physician, noted that the minister is first of all an administrator. Alexei Tsurcan in the opinion of the President has sufficient management experience and a considerable amount of knowledge about the situation in healthcare. Vadim Krasnoselsky, supporting his candidacy, aimed the future Minister to create, launch and constantly maintain an effective mechanism to protect the health of citizens of the republic.

Alexei Tsurcan, expressing his gratitude for the trust, emphasized that he fully understands the significance and seriousness of the tasks facing the Ministry and realistically assesses the complexity of their solution. Alexei Tsurcan told that every citizen should feel improvements in health care. There is a clear understanding of what needs to be done. Everything is reflected in the draft concept of health development, on which work was conducted last year. It was developed taking into account the provisions of the PMR Development Strategy for the next eight years. A planned, integrated approach in the near future will be presented - how the healthcare system will have to develop in the long term, Alexei Tsurcan told the President.

The candidatures of deputy ministers of healthcare were also presented to the President. It was proposed to appoint Yevgeny Kalalb (today the head of the Republican Ambulance Center) for medical part. According to the government, Yevgeny Kuzmin, the current head of the polyclinic at the Ministry of Defense, will be able to effectively oversee development and infrastructure projects. The candidate for the post of deputy minister for economic issues is Veronika Tazova, employee of the Accounts Chamber of the PMR. At the moment, she heads one of the directorates of the Inspectorate for control over the execution of revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget, extra-budgetary funds and accounts. According to Alexander Martynov, the government considers it necessary to strengthen the audit and control direction within the PMR Ministry of Health. The candidacy of Tatiana Buliga - a lieutenant colonel of militia, who heads the department of documentary studies and audits of the financial crimes enforcement directorate of Interior Ministry PMR is for the post of the head of the relevant department.

Having got acquainted with the candidates, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the formation of the team is the business of the manager. None of the candidates for the post of deputy minister was challenged by the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky aimed the meeting participants at fruitful joint work, noting the importance of the direction in which they will work. He called the healthcare sphere one of the most important social elements of modern society, stressing that today this link is extremely weak. Unlike, for example, the State Customs Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where positive changes were achieved, the Ministry of Health remains an annoying factor, the President noted. He outlined the main directions of the upcoming modernization of health care system. “The first direction is the improvement of the material base. This year, the capital investment program provides for the repair or construction of 31 healthcare facilities. This is not the limit, there are a lot of them in our republic. Technical improvement is also necessary - this is the second stage. This is a transition to new techniques, a higher technical level of patient care. The third direction is human resources. I support that we ourselves prepare the main part of the specialists in the framework of both university and post-university training. We have a good platform - PSU Medical Faculty. If we talk about a narrower specialization, of course training should be held abroad - in Moldova, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, if necessary and in the countries of the European Union. It all depends on the specific task. But at the basic level we must create our own system of training medical personnel. This system should be free. Another important area of ​​further work is public relations. Meetings with representatives of civil society, various organizations should be systematic and permanent. Officials are required to promptly respond to all incoming applications, assess each specific situation, so that citizens feel that they are needed by the state, that they are under protection, and this concerns not only patients, but also medical personnel - doctors and employees of medical institutions need support”, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.

The official appointment of candidates nominated by the government to the post of the PMR Minister of Health and his deputies will be confirmed by signing the relevant regulations of the PMR President and the Chairman of the PMR Government.


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