03/13/19 17:09


They are designated on the domestic market and have to promote import substitution
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Tiraspol, March, 13. / Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Investment Agency held the presentation of new projects. Representatives of the small and medium business of the republic were acquainted with 24 options of possible investment. Broken into 4 groups, they represent the agrarian and industrial complex sphere, the food industry, production of building materials and some other directions. On each project approximate levels of profitability, the necessary sum of investments, the outputs and sale are given. Options are the most various – from the cultivation of vegetables to production of toilet soap, but all of them are united as a possible way of import substitution.

As the director of the Investment Agency Andrey Betanov reminded on the presentation, at GDP of 919 million dollars Pridnestrovie imports goods for the sum about 650 million (without goods of fuel and energy group). About 20% in the structure of import our food and raw materials.

All groups of goods for which production there are not enough raw materials and energy resources in the Republic and also those which production is economically unprofitable for the domestic market were excluded when developing investment projects.

«It is about the replacement of import with the goods made in our territory. Replacement of these products will help to achieve two objectives: to help us to realize the self-sufficiency and to give the guaranteed market of consumption in Pridnestrovie. It is a serious springboard for effective implementation of business», – the Deputy Prime Minister – the Minister of Economic Development Sergey Obolonik noted.

On some positions, imported merchandises can be replaced by local for 70–90%. Most of all such opportunities, of course, give food products and raw materials, quite good prospects are also on import substitution of products from cement, stone and asbestos.

The total amount of possible investments on the presented projects is about 27.6 million dollars. The expected effect is the replacement on the chosen groups of goods by 49%, on all import (without fuel and energy group) – 4.4%. Also by the calculations of the Investment Agency, these productions can potentially give 677 new jobs and gain of GDP for 4.6%.

Projects were presented to representatives of small and medium business because they don't demand serious capital intensity. It shows the businessmen that, despite small volumes, domestic market in Pridnestrovie has a potential for development. These are those goods on which in the republic there will be a guaranteed demand. And that they could compete with imported at cost, will offer to investors favourable terms, Prime Minister Alexander Martynov reminded.

«Conditions for such production are created: it is the investment law, the tax concessions, cheap energy carriers and the import duties. We expect that having received such preferences, you will be more competitive, and your goods are not worse than import. We create conditions for business development, as much as possible we support the businessman at the expense of available taxes and the credits, cheap energy carriers, promotions of the «Buy Pridnestrovian» project, and the rest depends on your activity», – he told.

«It is those directions of business which can be realized in the territory of the republic, without being engaged in export. 24 projects which are capable to work within the capacity of our economy. We wait from businessmen response and inquiry what else can be developed, we wait for the ideas on which we could give a definite thoughtful answer», – the Head of the Investment Agency Andrey Betanov added.

All the projects are on the website of the Agency which was started the other day. Also will tell about them at various forums and business platforms.

More large-scale external investments projects calculated on exporters are drafted .

«It will be a number of projects within which we will look for target financing. As a rule, this is the projects having important strategic importance for the republic in terms of either human resources, or taxes, or a power component. But their number will be much less – about 7-10 large projects», – the Head of the Agency told.


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