The President instructed to landscape and to bring in proper condition the entrance to the capital

03/12/19 10:22

The President instructed to landscape and to bring in proper condition the entrance to the capital

“The first impression is extremely important. What do the guests of the capital see when entering Tiraspol from Bendery? Broken road, curved curbs, leaning private sector fences, dry trees. To date, the entrance to the city doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Due attention has not been given to this issue during entire existence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic,” the President said during the working meeting with Assistant to President PMR Denis Podgorny. Vadim Krasnoselsky reminded that the legislation provides for allocation of funds from the state treasury for Tiraspol to perform the functions of the capital. The status city should look accordingly, the President emphasized. According to him, the order and comfort of the house can be judged by the entrance to it. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to proceed without delay to the development of the project for improvement of entry to Tiraspol. The Head of the capital, together with the government will have to draw up and submit to the Presidential Executive Office a project proposal for the creation of small architectural forms, repair of the road surface of Karl Liebknecht Street to Pravdy Street, infrastructure improvement, and landscaping. The funds necessary for the project implementation should be allocated this year, the President emphasized.


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