02/05/19 13:22


The UN Human Rights Senior Expert Thomas Hammarberg at the meeting with the representatives of NGO submitted the additional report on human rights in Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, February, 5. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In a conference room of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the PMR, the meeting of the UN Human Rights Senior Expert Thomas Hammarberg with representatives of public organizations took place. As it was reported earlier he had prepared the forty-page report. At the very beginning of today's meeting, he reported that it was an addition to that report 2013 completed with the results of his last year visit to the republic. 

On the website of the representative office of the UN in Moldova, there is the English version of the report and its summary in Russian. Later, according to Thomas Hammarberg, it will be full Russian text there. 

Also, the expert noticed that in addition to recommendations to the authorities of the PMR of a sample of 2013 it made 50 more suggestions for improvement of a situation with human rights. In particular, they concern the position of physically disabled people, fight against domestic violence, socialization of rums and also improvement of law enforcement system work.  

At the same time, Thomas Hammarberg highlighted that problems which Pridnestrovie faces in the field of human rights are common all over the world. 

«There is no country where these problems are solved. Therefore it is very important to move forward», - the UN official told. 

He drew the attention of representatives of the nongovernmental organizations that the authorities in Pridnestrovie has already made much on the implementation of his last recommendations. 

«Level of understanding is much higher, than before. And many steps have already been taken», - Thomas Hammarberg told. He also emphasized: «It is very important that the authorities knew they move in the right direction». 

Answering questions of human rights activists from Chisinau, Hammarberg urged not to politize a perspective of human rights. He noted that the international standards and conventions on human rights protection are applicable also to Pridnestrovie. The Pridnestrovian authorities, according to him, assumed these obligations and bear responsibility for their observance. 

Speaking about the Pridnestrovian specifics, the human rights activist noticed that, despite the lack of international recognition, all international conventions in the field of human rights are accepted in the PMR. 

In view of the limitation of time, Thomas Hammarberg did not retell further the report and advised participants of the meeting to express the opinion on it on e-mail. Further communication with representatives of NGO was devoted to answers to their questions. 

In particular, they spoke about the law forbidding financing of non-profit organizations from abroad. On what the UN Human Rights Senior Expert noticed that similar acts are also in other countries. 

He pointed to an example of Russia where many controversial issues arising from the application of this rule of law are solved in the dialogue between civil society and the power. At the same time, he emphasized that the state is capable to resolve not all issues alone. 

Answering the question about the way human rights activists from the right coast can make a contribution to the improvement of a situation with human rights in Pridnestrovie, the UN expert gave advice he is guided by himself: «The best contribution which can be brought to help others is to be «cleanest» by yourself. To provide human rights observation in your own country. If the situation with human rights will be better on  the right coast, it will be more opportunities to improve it on the left coast». 

Also, the offer to hold such meetings together with representatives of public authorities in the future was heard. Thomas Hammarberg supported the idea. 

Let's note that the day before in the MFA of the PMR the meeting of the UN expert with heads of a number of the ministries and departments took place. 


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