01/18/19 19:16


Vadim Krasnoselsky and Miroslav Lajčák answered questions of journalists

Tiraspol, January, 18. / Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Presidency in OSCE passed to Slovakia since January 1. The country approached implementation of the obligations very seriously. At first, a visit to Ukraine, then to Moldova. Today the Acting chairman of OSCE Miroslav Lajčák arrived in Pridnestrovie and held a meeting with the President Vadim Krasnoselsky. Mister Lajčák arrived without the translator: it appeared, the Slovak diplomat perfectly speaks Russian. Journalists also noticed that during the walk upon completion of an official part of the meeting.

Miroslav Lajčák paid attention that last week he represented priorities of Slovakia in Vienna, and today he is in Pridnestrovie, that is very important.

«We want 2019 to become the year of good concrete results for the good of the citizens. It was a very concrete conversation. Earlier I listened to the interpretation of the Moldavian side. So all combined gives us a picture of what problems exist and as they should be solved», - the Slovak diplomat said.

The President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky, in turn, hoped that the Presidency of Slovakia in OSCE will give a new impulse to the implementation of already signed agreements and to the achievement of new arrangements.

«We have to think of the results of problems solution to be implemented in life for people use them as norms. It is about questions of logistics, economy, humanitarian issues – about everything that is connected with a quiet stable life of people. Pridnestrovie is constructive and becomes a stability zone, showing the ability to achieve arrangements even in very difficult conditions – of course, by means of our colleagues, including the OSCE Mission», – the President of the PMR emphasized.

The problem of telecommunications and criminal cases

Now between Tiraspol and Chisinau, the good atmosphere of dialogue is observed, and there is more trust between the parties than a few years ago, Miroslav Lajčák paid attention.

According to him, this trend needs to be kept. Especially as now in the agenda of negotiations of Pridnestrovie and Moldova still there are many issues which are not resolved up to the end.

In particular, it is about problems of telecommunication and politically motivated criminal cases opened by Moldova against Pridnestrovians. The obligation to resolve them parties took during the Roman meeting in the 5+2 format, having signed the relevant protocol.

Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the main decisions on implementation of the agreement by the parties are already made and now «a ball is on the Moldavian side».

«The law which allows realising earlier reached agreements in telecommunications has already been adopted in Moldova. Despite electoral processes in RM, executive authorities function, and in the shortest prospect, I hope for a result in the field of telecommunication. Criminal cases question is more difficult, but even here there is a prospect of the decision», - the Head of the state emphasized.

At least two meetings in the 5+2 format

As soon as the parties achieve concrete results on these and other questions of the negotiation agenda, Slovakia will be ready to convene a meeting in the 5+2 format, Lajčák noticed. The diplomat called a «constant meeting» successful and reminded that in 2012 he managed to work in this format as the representative from the European Union (the Observer in the 5+2 format).

«We would like to find the solution of all questions of the negotiation agenda till the end of 2019 while Slovakia heads OSCE. We understand what steps to take, and today's meetings are very useful in this sense», - he told.

«Of course, the Pridnestrovian and Moldavian sides need to agree, and we are full of determination to help with that. I hope that we will see concrete results. And we are ready to convene a meeting in the 5+2 format when we have a prospect to achieve something concrete», - Miroslav Lajčák noted.

The acting chairman of the OSCE added that he would like to call a negotiation format till summer, and in general, let know that he counts at least on two meetings on the platform «A constant meeting …».

«You should not meet if we know that there is nothing to agree. It would be a bad omen. If there is an opportunity to organize more than two meetings, it will be good. It will mean that we have results and an occasion for this purpose», - Lajčák told.

Lajčák about Frattini

The well known to us Italian diplomat Franco Frattini will help the OSCE with the 5+2 format and to the parties to achieve success in the negotiation process. During the last year, Italy presidency in this international organization Frattini was appointed the special representative on the Moldo-Pridnestrovian settlement. Having accepted relay from Italy, Slovakia decided to keep this post for the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs. Pridnestrovie welcomed this appointment.

«Mister Frattini is an experienced politician, and that is important, he has strong support in Italy. And he has resulted (in the negotiation process between Tiraspol and Chisinau for 2018 – an editor's note). It needs to be continued», - Miroslav Lajčák answered.

The Russian peacekeepers in Pridnestrovie

Presence in Pridnestrovie of the Russian peacekeepers – this subject was not ignored by the Slovak journalists.

The Head of the PMR reminded that Russian soldiers are in the territory of Pridnestrovie according to the agreement on the peaceful solution of the Moldo-Pridnestrovian conflict of 1992.

«This format in which the Russian, Pridnestrovian and Moldavian peacekeepers and also observers from Ukraine participate proved the efficiency in 26 years. As a result of peacemaking, there was no armed incident, no peacekeeper, no civilian dies. The peace is still preserved in our land. Until the conflict is solved, we will not conduct any talk on withdrawal of peacekeepers from the territory of Pridnestrovie», - the President of the PMR said.

Solution to the conflict

Representatives of the European media also took an interest whether there are bases to say that the Moldo-Pridnestrovian conflict can be soon resolved.

In this regard, Vadim Krasnoselsky paid attention that «each party has the vision of the termination of confrontation».

«At Moldova it is integration. At Pridnestrovie this is recognition of our country as an independent state, and we stand on it and we execute will of the people which were expressed on the referendum», - the President of Pridnestrovie concluded.

According to the Head of the republic, Tiraspol and Chisinau have to continue the positive dialogue as a result of which it will become clear that the only way to resolve the Moldo-Pridnestrovian conflict is the international recognition of Pridnestrovie.

«The question of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993 was solved this way and what prevents two nations now to live nearby? Anything! Therefore the main thing is to preserve the peace what we also are aimed at», - Vadim Krasnoselsky told during the press scrum following the results of a meeting with the Acting chairman of the OSCE, the minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia Miroslav Lajčák. 


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