Lyudmila Petrovna Kabanyuk is the famous person in Tiraspol and in all Pridnestrovie. The teacher with almost 40-years experience, the writer, the poet, the public figure and just a good, sympathetic person.
Often so it happens that life of interesting and talented people is unpredictable rich in tests. The height of this woman is only 111 cm, as the six-year-old child has. The cause is a nongenetic disease from which nobody in life is insured.
Life long consequences
The trouble crept imperceptibly. It happened in far 1956 several months prior to Lyudmila Petrovna's birth. Her mother Raisa Emmanuilovna on the late term of pregnancy went by bus. During one of the stops, the woman did not keep standing and fell on a stomach …
This day predetermined the future of young parents and their unborn child.
The girl was born healthy and active, but already several months later physical defects began to be observed. Luda grew, but her limbs did not.
At the age of 1.5 years, there was the first operation, but it slightly helped. Doctors could not say the exact diagnoses. But parents did not despair and did everything possible to help their daughter.
Then there were inspections in clinics of Kurgan, Kiev, Moscow, at the military-medical institute of St. Petersburg and other cities of the Soviet Union. Though medical care also appeared free of charge consultations, surgical interventions, stay in medical institutions - nevertheless did not do without difficulties more connected with a moral component.
So what had happened?
As it became clear decades later, Lyudmila Petrovna had a dislocation of joints which in the present time can be corrected by a massage course. Then, in 1959, doctors did not guess it. Unfortunately, performed at the age of 10 and 45 years operations did not give a positive result.
She had to prove every day the right for existence and worthy life which was not limited to "special needs".
Under the protection of boys
That the most interesting and, maybe, unusual to contemporaries, nobody offended or teased the little girl.
"The friendly relations developed with boys more, than with girls. I did not like girlish gossips, and with boys always was what to talk about. In particular because even then I liked to read very much. Usually, we overlooked the yard, sat down in an arbour, and I told the next fascinating story, fully using imagination. Perhaps, my congenital communication played a role and therefore people reached for me", - Lyudmila Petrovna remembers.
Boys became her protection and the main audience.
Stay in a snowdrift became one of the brightest memoirs connected with the childhood. Once boys rode Lyudmila on the sledge and ran so quickly that the girl dropped out into the snow. Only in a few minutes, boys understood that the sledge was empty. All this time the girl lay in snow happy, but after all, waiting when they returned for her. Rescue appeared in time and everybody began to laugh at this story.
Socialization since the birth
Though Lyudmila Petrovna's parents did not know how to socialize in society the child with features, nevertheless they really tried.
They chose the right direction: the girl went to usual kindergarten, studied at a comprehensive school at common laws (without any indulgences) and only due to her own knowledge entered teacher training college.
The first adult obstacles
Entering the only existing then in Tiraspol higher educational institution future teacher faced surprise of doctors who did not believe that she will be able to work at school.
It is necessary to pay tribute to her mother who managed to prove to doctors that her daughter, strong-willed person, will manage to organize the workplace. Besides she loves children and books.
"But at the institute, whatever one may do, it was difficult, first of all, because lectures took place in the audiences located on different floors. One could be on the second floor of building A, another on the second floor of building B and so on. And so far I reached from one office another, I was so exhausted that there was no wish for either a lecture or something another. Once it happened so that in one of my "jogs" I nevertheless was late for a lecture and, having entered into the audience and not having found an empty seat, became puzzled. I remained standing with doors, and none of my fellow students suggested me to sit down. So I stood there for several minutes, and during this time heart managed to stop a hundred times. Future teachers who will put further in minds of children all the best and light were in front of me. And such pain pierced me … But at this time the girl approached me and seated on her place. It was Larisa Antipova with whom we are on friendly terms till today", - Lyudmila Petrovna shares memories.
Study and work
When Lyudmila Petrovna began to study at the institute, the Tiraspol Pushkin Library was opened. The young and active girl was offered to work there.
The curator issued "freely visit" – the document extremely rare for those times. Lyudmila Petrovna had been working in the library for the whole 10 years, deriving enormous pleasure from communication with books. Passed away from the junior librarian to the methodologist. Even participated in a competition by profession and won the third prize.
Work at school
The library was a good start, but Lyudmila Petrovna wanted to share the knowledge with children, understanding that she can give them a good base. Not only in the educational aspect, but also in human communication.
As a teacher, she started her way at school No. 19 (nowadays Tiraspol Theoretical Lyceum No. 2) as the teacher of Russian language and literature. The director Tatyana Mikhaelovna Sakova and the manager of library Tatyana Vladimirovna Babanova became her main assistants.
"Special gratitude to them. Before I started working, the director bypassed all 30 classes, having told that tomorrow the young teacher will come to school: "She needs our help as for her it is difficult to go, we all are beautiful, healthy and clever, we cannot offend the person". And I began to feel this attention, care literally from the first days. So, passing during a break along the corridor, I saw a miracle in feathers. It was the boy, probably, the first class who pulled along a schoolbag as the machine for a string, and all such serious came to me and says: "If you need something, address, I will help". And went further. For the sake of such moments it is worth working at the school, to communicate with children, to direct them, understanding that they need you in the same way as you need them", - Lyudmila Petrovna tells.
Tatyana Babanova with whom for 20 years they organized literary cafe "Under the wing of Pegasus" became her other mentor.
"We had an idea – we wanted young people to read what is pleasant to them and, of course, not to forget about classics. Strangely enough, but we managed it. Within the cafe, we made a full-fledged performance (with scenery, suits, a make-up) in which seniors played. To get there, they needed to know the text or at least to understand what it is about. Then the same as in the real cafe, we organized tea drinking with a set of goodies baked by the senior pupils. This action took much pleasure to everyone. The entrance was free under the invitation cards, therefore, the most part of pupils wanted to be among the participants. The cafe was carried out not more than three times a year", - the teacher says.
Quite often you hear from teachers about former pupils, forgetting about teachers and even pretending that they have simply not noticed them when meeting apparently. In fact, it takes place, but not in our case. Lyudmila Petrovna remembers the graduates with deep warmth and care.
It happened so that during a certain period of the life Lyudmila Petrovna began to live alone. Pupils came to her home and tried to create necessary living conditions themselves.
"So, Vasily Gulinsky literally in 15 minutes improved the switch, added a lace (relay) and made it thus: if to pull one lace, the light will be turned on, another – will switch off. After that, the whole house went on an excursion to look for miracle equipment my pupil made. And when changed this switch, he uttered for the fact that I switch the light on and off incorrectly, striking the device with a mop. "It is totally wrong, it is necessary to handle the equipment carefully", - Vasily taught me".
Other graduate Vitalik Yashchenko, nowadays the fashion designer, every morning before classes at 7:30 walked Lyudmila Petrovna to a school and then back.
Well-deserved rewards
The talented person is talented in everything. Lyudmila Petrovna, having the huge knowledge base, cannot just share it with children, she tries to bring pupils to a new level. The participation in the international study competitions at which the Pridnestrovian pupils show the high level of subject knowledge was one of the ways.
So, in 2015 Lyudmila Petrovna was awarded medals for the training of children for the Russian Study Competition on Russian language and literature. That year from 13 stated people 10 won third prizes and three - the second.
And on May 16, 2017 (on a birthday of Lyudmila Petrovna) the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky awarded her with the Order of Honour. The teacher received it for work in the Tiraspol office of the Russian Writers' Union and promotion of cultural values.
Unforeseen test
Lyudmila Petrovna's life is full of challenges, so at the age of 60 years, she sharply started to blind because of glaucoma.
"At first I was really frightened as in one morning ceased to see one eye, then the sight began to worsen also on the second. Of course, we addressed experts. First aid was given by the ophthalmologist Kovalenko S. G., three families were connected further: To Dvoryan, Lukashiny and Osetyanovy. Friends who did not leave me for a minute: N.A. Goltsova, O.G. Redko, Y.B. Sorokoumova. There were, of course, also those who eliminated, but the most devoted stay.
So, Pavel Tereshin, a publisher and my good companion, presented me a push-button dictaphone and told: "Write verses and pronounce them. If there will be interesting thoughts – sound them. I know that you will not be able to do nothing therefore work". So more than two years I very poorly saw the world around, but it did not break me. The heart was heated by a thought of future projects which I will be able to implement. And I knew that I will be able! A children's series of books "Artyom and Alice" consisting of 9 works for children of younger school-age became a result of my efforts. In the verses, stories and riddles of absolutely different authors. Books are connected only by a cover, each of which is an element of a puzzle, having collected which, the full-fledged picture will turn out.
Since 2018 the Tiraspol office of the Russian Writers' Union, department of the Russian and foreign literature of the Shevchenko State University and public organization "Pedagogical innovations" began to publish the almanack "V Kruge Chteniya" ("The Reading"). It will be interesting to different groups of readers: to teachers and students, fans of prose and poetry, theatre-goers and film fans, parents and children. Now …
In 62 years Lyudmila Petrovna is active more than ever. She became the chairman of public organization "Pedagogical innovations" and carries out a cycle of author's seminars "Projectnaja dejatelnost" ("The project activity").
As the member of the Russian Writers' Union she prepares three series of books of Literature Union "Vzaimnost'" ("Reciprocity") for release:
- children's series "Artyom and Alice";
- youth Ivan-da-Marya series;
- books for family reading "Pyotr and Fevroniya".
Her colleagues and friends translate books of the "Obo vsen ponemnogu" ("About Everything Gradually") series (9 alphabets in verses) into 4 languages: Ukrainian and Moldavian, English and French. She also has a set of plans and projects which will be implemented this year.
But only she knows how much had to occur that the fragile girl changed in the strong woman understanding that in this life it is necessary to hope only for herself, the family and friends.
As Lyudmila Petrovna sais, the world consists mostly of kind people. She was surrounded by them throughout all her life. The family, friends, colleagues – everyone made the contribution to the formation of the person who as a result became Lyudmila Petrovna. The person with strong character and kind heart able to separate grains from ryegrass.
Svetlana Gulinskaya